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大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~薬物治療~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you?




Okay, what's new in Marfan syndrome? Well, moving on to medical therapy. Those on the, on the webinar tonight with Marfan syndrome they're probably well aware of this but, but they're, over the last dozen years or so have been multiple randomized controlled trials comparing a beta blocker to lessen the force that the aorta contracts into, the heart contracts into the aorta or an angiotensin receptor blocker, medicines like losartan or irbesartan in the -sartan family that might block TGF beta signaling. 




Either one in maximally tolerated doses, I think, that's a very important phrase, you know, give the highest dose tolerated is recommended, either one to reduce the rate of aortic dilation and that's because in these trials they, they were similar to each other, there wasn't one that was superior to the other and then attack class 2A indication meaning is reasonable to give both drugs, both the beta blocker and an angiotensin receptor blocker same thing in maximally tolerated doses and this is based upon some of the randomized trials and then a meta-analysis which is an analysis of all the trials looking at individual data sets that showed a potential benefit for using both drugs compared to one or the other. 




So that's our new guidelines for for all of us use one or the other in highest doses and consider the use of both for those who can tolerate both medications, next slide.




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