
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群、ロイス・ディーツ症候群、血管型エーラス・ダンロス症候群小児の心疾患について ~βブロッカーとARBの比較試験~


Children's Heart Issues in Marfan, Loeys Dietz, and vEDS - Virtual Symposium Series (4/9/19)




And there was some evidence and again I'm coming to skip some of these slides but there's there was some evidence treating some kids with severe Marfan syndrome showing that Losartan was also potentially very effective in controlling the rate of growth of aorta.



So what the trial did was basically compare the rate of growth of aorta with Atenolol, which is a beta blocker, to Losartan, which is an angiotensin receptor blocker.



And we basically recruited 608 patients between the age of 6 months to 25 years, who all had Marfan syndrome, had an aortic root z-score is greater than 3. None of them have had previous aortic surgery. And we randomized them, meaning half of the patients were randomly assigned to take Atenolol for 3 years and the other half were randomly assigned to take Losartan.



And you can see here, you know, the the groups are roughly divided in half here 303 and 305, but most of the patients ended up with echos at the very end of the serial trials so that the trial was successful in maintaining these patients in the trial.



And here are the results of the study. So what do we look like, we're looking at is a change in aortic root z-score over the three-year period and the red is the Atenolol and the blue is Losartan. You can see that both drugs cause a decrease in aortic root z-score but there was no significant difference p-value of point zero eight between the two drugs, so even though it looks like Atenolol was a little bit better, statistically there was no significant difference between the two groups.



And this is just a growth looking at centimeters. You can see that the aortas are growing because these are mostly growing children and a difference in the growth rate between the two groups was not significant.



So we feel that both medications are effective but one is not necessarily better than the other when we're looking at groups of patients taking the medicine.



One thing that we did find, which is very important, is that whether you were taking Losartan or Atenolol, the younger the patient, the bigger the improvement in the aorta.



So this strongly supports the idea of starting treatment with either of these medications: younger rather than older. The older patients definitely had a benefit but the younger patients had even a greater degree of benefit.



There weren't very many dissection, surgeries or deaths and no difference between the two groups.



And in terms of side effects, both drugs were pretty well tolerated and maybe a small difference with some mild adverse events or side effects reported in the Atenolol group, but in terms of major events or major side effects, there was really no significant difference.



So we concluded that most drugs were effective to similar degree, that both drugs were well tolerated and then both Losartan and Atenolol seem to be more effective than younger the patients.



Other trials have looked at the question of whether or not combination therapy was, Losartan and beta-blocker in combination, is that better than beta blocker and the results of these trials are mixed: some trials have shown that the combination is better and other trials have not. It's hard to know exactly how to answer that question.



And then, secondly, there's a recent trial described using a different "-sartan": Irbesartain and in that situation in, in the United Kingdom trial, patients who took both irbesartan and beta-blocker did better than patients taking beta blocker alone.



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