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Children's Heart Issues in Marfan, Loeys Dietz, and vEDS - Virtual Symposium Series (4/9/19)




At what z-score would you advise starting losartan? And this particular person says that her son is three years old and the z-score of 2.16.



So first of all, you recognize that a normal aorta will have a z-score somewhere between -2 and +2, so z-score of 2.2, +2.2, it's just above what would be considered normal.



There's some difference of opinion here. Some, some providers feel that any patient that carries the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome or Loeys-Dietz should be treated with losartan or atenolol whether or not the aorta is enlarged. I, it depends on some factors. I do have patients who are, who have z-scores is very close to normal, so z-score less than 3, that we're following closely, that we wait to start medication.



So there is a difference of opinion in terms of whether or not your son requires treatment. He definitely needs to be followed with echocardiogram at least once a year and this z-score tends to creep up, then medication should be started.



Now I should say that it really doesn't take very much of a difference in measurement to change your z-score, so don't get worried if the z-score goes to 2.5. That's really not a big change between 2.1 and 2.5, and it really is sort of following those measurements over a long period of time.



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