
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~薬~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery




Let's go on to medications a little bit. So people with Marfan, Loeys-Dietz are what they know they have it, Lauren, are typically taking medications, you know, for their blood pressure and heart rate stuff before surgery. Are you all taking it still? What's your medication regimen and then we'll go to David and get the real answer. So Peter, let's start with you.



Yeah, so prior to surgery I was on the losartan, just losartan. I had been on it for seven years and then post surgery, the captopril, losartan and added metoprolol to it and seven and a half years later I am still on the losartan metoprolol cocktail.



Okay, Victoria how about you?



I was on atenolol for over a decade. I was on two doses of atenolol. They kind of doubled me and then as my recovery got better and my, you know, atenolol lowers your heart rate so my resting heart rate is generally around 48. So when it started dropping into like the low 40, Dr. Roman was like, "Okay, I think we go back to one a day," so I'm still on that, on atenolol every day and an aspirin every day






So before surgery I was on losartan and atenolol and then after surgery I just went to atenolol and aspirin and now I'm currently just on atenolol. So yeah similar to Victoria's situation just making sure. Oh, your heart rate's really low now, so let's just bring it back up.



Lauren, how about you? You weren't on anything before you had the issues.



Hadn't before and then afterward losartan and then a baby aspirin every day.




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