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Children's Heart Issues in Marfan, Loeys Dietz, and vEDS - Virtual Symposium Series (4/9/19)




Can you talk a little bit about a safe heart rate when the child is on losartan or I guess, even on a beta-blocker, you know, what's the safe heart rate for a child? You know, when they're exercising, you know, what are the guidelines for that?



Yeah, so the issue of heart rate is a couple of different ideas. One is that a beta blocker actually lowers the heart rate and so we use the heart rate as a means of measuring how effective a medicine is and in the, in the Marfan child, we actually did holter monitors or we measure the heart rate over a 24-hour period.



If you're on a beta blocker or if one is on a beta blocker, then your heart rate really shouldn't be as high as as people who are not on a beta blocker. The heart rate that we would expect would also depend on age and conditioning, etc., so it's hard to answer with a specific number.



But I think if beta blocker is the primary treatment that we're using for trying to control the blood pressure and control the rate of growth of aorta for any of these connective tissue conditions, then the heart rate should be pretty slow at rest and with exercise, mild levels of exercise should not be as high as someone who's not on beta blocker.



What about if the child is on losartan as a primary.



Yeah, so if a patient's on losartan, we don't expect the same drop in heart rate just because of the ,because the medicine is ineffective. So losartan doesn't intrinsically slow your heart rate, so your heart rate will be the same on losartan as anyone who's not exercising, I'm sorry, with exercise as anyone who's not taking losartan.



How high can it go like what's safe for those kids?



Again, it's hard to give a sort of one-size-fits-all answer. I think, you know, in terms of, I mean, maybe, maybe that question, maybe, the reason for the question is how hard should my child be exercising, maybe, that's maybe, that's a better question, and this is true for both medications.



It's probably better to sort of kind of qualitatively measure your level of exertion and so that if you, if you are exercising at such an extreme level that you can only last, you know, 10 seconds or a few minutes, then you're clearly over exercising,whereas if you're if you're really exercising at a mild to moderate level and can walk or swim or bike for 20 or 30 minutes at a time, then you're probably sort of exercising at a safe level. I think, I think the perception of exertion is probably better and easier than trying to chase a heart rate.



Yeah, I think it goes back to what you're saying, you know, doing it for fun or going all out to win up something, you know.



Right, right and I think it's really, really important distinction that I start talking to my patients, who are children at a very young age, you know, for, at first obviously asking parents questions, you know, and some patients are challenging because they're very naturally competitive and those are the hard ones and, you know, so to sort of redirect, you know, sort of naturally competitive children to sort of enjoying exercise at recreational levels can be a challenge but I think it's important, it's important and difficult but important discussions to have with children and families with connective tissue conditions.



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