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大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~共同での意思決定に関する医師の見解~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you?




So this is not a new concept but I think what's so important about the document is how all these various numbers and sizes and things that we talk about, that Dr. DeAnda is going to talk about, that we'll talk about when we think about surgical thresholds and things like that we really come back to the person we're seeing because everybody's different the same size is not the same for every person. Some person's risk of surgery is much higher than the next person. 




So these numbers are really what they are, there's, they're very important guidelines and we go into these decisions in a shared manner, thinking about the person we're seeing, what their circumstance is, how quickly it got to that point, what the family history is, what the gene is and then trying to decide for that individual. Is it better or lower risk to continue to observe or is it lower risk to take the change chances for surgery whatever that risk might be depending on the individual, Dr. DeAnda? 




Sorry, I was muted there. You think I would have learned by now how to do this but Dr. Braverman and you, you've hit it the nail on the head. No longer can we really talk about aortic surgery and approaches to patients with aortic disease as one-size-fits-all and, so the shared decision making is not just the doctor sitting there and, and, and talking with the patient but it's also the, the patient talking back to the doctor and expressing their concerns. This is nicely laid out in this slide about some of the considerations, for instance, in the very last point, pregnancy decisions. 




And, and later on we're going to talk a little bit about this concept of a center of excellence and this is also going to come into play because some of your, some of the options are going to be available surgically and medically are going to be dependent on the experience and expertise of the, of the team that's going to be taking care of you, so all of this, I think, we've finally everyone has been doing this, it is, in some sense, at different centers around the country and around the world but I think we set it down on paper. We just said this is, some of the considerations that you have to be thinking about and, and by putting it down on paper I think we've given patients and their families the opportunity to understand what some of these considerations are I, I hand it back to you, Alan, if you want to expand on that a little bit more, you see these patients as well obviously.




Thanks, Abe, well I think we'll come back to these gray areas where there had been hard cut points throughout the whole discussion tonight, so Eileen if you can push us forward to the couple slides forward. 




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