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大動脈疾患に関する研究報告(Science in Paris) ~IRADの論文と新ガイドライン~

Aortic Disease Research (9/19/22)




So a couple of other updates that I think are, are interesting and, and timely. The IRAD group that I have the pleasure of sharing over the last 25 years published about two weeks ago a paper in JAMA Cardiology and what we wanted to know was what is the early mortality of a patient with a type A dissection. That's the dissection of the aorta in the proximal part of the aorta where we know going to surgery right away is really important for survival. If you look back to when they aortic dissections were really studied hard mid-1950s, early 60s it was estimated that 37 to 50 percent of patients with the dissection were dead within seven days and a good share of them passed in the first 24 hours. 


これまで紹介した以外にタイムリーで興味深いと思われるトピックをご紹介します。過去25年以上にわたり情報共有しているIRAD(急性大動脈解離国際レジストリ)ですが、2週間前にJAMA Cardiologyに論文を発表しました。我々が知りたいことは、A型解離の早期死亡率でした。A型解離とは、心臓に近い大動脈の部位に解離が起こる病気であり、生存のためには迅速な外科手術が必要です。大動脈解離の研究が本格的に行われていた1950年代半ば~60年代初期には、A型解離の患者さんの37~50%が7日以内に死亡しており、そうした患者さんの多くが発症後24時間以内に亡くなっていたのです。


The IRAD registry showed that the early mortality for dissection if you get to the hospital and you're stable is maybe 0.1 to 0.2 percent per hour. This is really important because studies also show that if you end up with an aortic dissection and you're in a hospital that rarely operates on the aorta like less than 10 a year your mortality is a lot different than if you go to a place that operates on more than 50 aortas a year. The number can be three to four-fold difference. 




At the hospital where I work our mortality for type A dissection repairs is about five percent. At a small hospital 20 minutes away it might be 25 percent, so what, this suggests that stable type A aortic dissection if, if a high volume center is available close by we should probably transfer that patient and move them to the higher volume center where the surgical mortality is so substantially lower that it's worth the small risk incurred by the few hours to transfer, which usually is in the range of four to six hours.




So this is an important study that received, I think, a lot of attention and it really does suggest that aortic centers of excellence regionally-spaced are the way to go in America for managing type A aortic dissection




The other thing I want to prepare you for is that there're going to be new guidelines on managing aortic disease published by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. Those guidelines are expected to be released probably next month if not the following month and they're going to have a lot quite a few advances that I think will be important for care. 




And the next slide is just a sneak preview where, what we, what we are going to be seeing with the newer guidelines is if I ask the question, "at what size of my aorta should I consider repair?" It's going to be much more precise. This particular figure shows the aorta size in the blue arrows and then underneath different groups where we might be repairing the aorta at a different size depending on the gene, depending on the family history, depending on growth of the aorta and so I'm really excited that the scientific progress that's been made in the last 10 years since the last guideline. Much of it supported by The Marfan Foundation is taking hold in the guidelines that inform national practice of the management of aortic conditions in this country and this particular guideline is going to have a lot of information that caregivers are going to want to embrace and we'll be covering the guideline more on the foundation and in GenTAC as we dissect all the recommendations and think about what that means for you the patient and, and or family member.


次のスライドは先ほどの新しいガイドラインのプレビュー版の一部で、修復手術を検討すべき大動脈サイズについて紹介したものです。正式版ではもっと正確になるはずです。大動脈サイズは青の矢印で表され、その下には様々なグループが記載されており、これらのグループでは遺伝子や家族歴、大動脈の拡張度合いによって、異なる大動脈サイズで修復手術を受けることになります。最後にガイドラインが公開されてから10年の間に達成された科学的な進歩には興奮を隠せません。その進歩の大部分はThe Marfan Foundationの支援によるものであり、米国での大動脈疾患の管理における診療方針を与えています。このガイドラインは医療提供者がぜひとも知りたい内容であると考えられますので、The Marfan FoundationとGenTACでも取り上げ、すべての推奨事項を精査し、患者さんやご家族にとっての大切なポイントについて検討したいと思います。


The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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