
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

大動脈疾患小児における薬物治療 〜大動脈拡張速度に関するシミュレーション〜

Medical Therapy in the Pediatric Patient




So in many cases families will say, "Well, if my aorta is not enlarged now or not substantially enlarge now then why do I need to take medication?" So when approaching this discussion with a family about whether or not we should start medical therapy at a young age in a child who otherwise feel well I can often quote to them that, you know, we know medical therapy reduces composite end points of aortic dissection and death but sometimes that's not quite as meaningful to some families.




As a recovering engineer I like math and often try to think about things in terms of numbers and equations and so in, in my mind if we think about a theoretical patient who, let's say we diagnose him at age three and we extrapolate, make a few assumptions about the rate of growth of the aorta based on historical data from prior papers and assume that during early childhood we may have about one millimeter of growth per year and then during adolescence that growth often increases, which is no surprise to those of us that see a lot of adolescence and then often once skeletal growth is complete the rate of growth of the aorta tends to slow down and if we then make the assumption that medical therapy will reduce the rate of growth by about 50% then you can see the effect on this on a patient looking at what happens.




If we don't start medication and the aortic grows at standard rate then this patient would in theory reach the surgical threshold of 5 centimeter at age 30. If instead we said hey now that we know you have this we're going to start medication at a very young age and we start at age three you can see we really have a substantial effect and defer the aorta reaching 5 centimeter until age 74. Alternatively if this medical therapy is started towards the middle of adolescence a good bit of aortic growth is already taken place and it only defers surgery to age 46.




Interestingly there is work being done by Dr. Morris and others out in Texas to try to develop patient-specific models where you could use their actual data points to try to plot this type of effect for them. 




So certainly we think going forward we may be able to provide even more compelling evidence about the benefits of medical therapy to patients and their families.




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