
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

遺伝性胸部大動脈疾患小児向け運動ガイドライン 〜全米における運動不足による肥満率〜

Pediatric Activity Guidelines - HTAAD




Hi, I'm Dr. Glenn Ianucci, a pediatric cardiologist at children's health care of Atlanta and director of the aorta and vascular clinic there and on behalf of the GenTAC alliance I'll be presenting a review of some pediatric activity guidelines.


こんにちは、グレン・ヤニュチィと申します。Children's Healthcare of Atlantaで小児循環器内科医をするかたわら、大動脈・血管プログラムの責任者を務めています。このウェビナーでは、小児運動ガイドラインのレビューについて、GenTACを代表して説明させていただきます。


So one thing I would say is that in thinking about the potential risks related to activity we should also think about the potential risk related to exercise restriction. These are some slides that have been put together by the CDC that show overall rates of obesity in the United States, so this is what things looked like in 1990 with many states experiencing a 10 to 14% risk. This is in 2011 you can see now many yellow states with a 25 to 30% rate and 2015 things are looking a little worse mostly orange with 30 to 35% and the most recent data available from 2021 is now showing pretty significant coverage with 35 to 40%.




So we know that there is significant risk to inactivity so in thinking about who needs restriction and who doesn't I think we need to be mindful of that as well.



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

The Marfan Foundation は、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.org にアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。