
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

遺伝性胸部大動脈疾患小児向け運動ガイドライン 〜ガイドライン案〜

Pediatric Activity Guidelines - HTAAD


So in general when we are restricting individuals from activity that is to help them to avoid an aortic event or perhaps disease progression we know aortic dissection is a very rare event. In fact the IRAD registry showed about two to three per 100,000.
And in the pediatric side in particular we know that the rates of dissection are much lower. In fact for a study that looked at all hospitalized children in Texas over the course of seven years that incidence was about three out of 100,000 hospitalized children so not children that were at home. 24% of those patients had connective tissue disorders and only five of the patients had dissection at the time of presentation. All of the other events were a complication related to a procedure so if we were to extrapolate, presume the incidence of connective tissue disorder was one in 5,000 of the 3.9 hospitalized children then there would be 780 patients with connective tissue disorders and five of those had an events. That's a 0.6% risk of aortic dissection prior to admission for patients who were sick enough to be hospitalized and none of those patients were under the age of 13, you know, for comparison purposes when we think about risk the risk of dying in a car accident is about 0.9%.
And as we've reviewed much of the guidelines that have been generated are really with adults in mind there are no pediatric-specific activity guidelines. There is a recent excellent review of the available literature that was completed by Dr. Shepard and Dr. Braverman. That's referenced there. The overall risk of aortic event in childhood is low even for those with HTADD. This paper in particular looked at Marfan syndrome. Risk of events does increase with age and size of the aorta. 
One thing to note however is that the physiologic effects of sports involvement in young children in many cases may only be minimally different from routine childhood play. This is one of my children who was on this bouncy toy at a playground and this was at the start and after five minutes was quite red in the face and breathing very hard, so it might not be appropriate to exclude children that are very young from routine sporting activities that may or may not involve much vigor.
Bearing that in mind our group put together a proposed physical activity guidance for children with HTAAD and this is not published anywhere. This has not been endorsed by any societies but just kind of a framework to help us to discuss with families. I, I would say that, you know, obviously this needs to be taken in the context of each patient specifically. There's a lot of data on this slide or recommendations. We included something about amusement parks as well because this is a question that is clinically frequently encountered, I get asked this all the time and I cannot find any real data to support a statement one way or the other, so in general this is what our group tends to allow. Certainly as individuals approach the teenage and adolescent years particularly with the increasing intensity of sports around that age we do end up aligning with the guidelines put forth by both the European Society and the American Heart Association and The Marfan Foundation.
このことを踏まえ、我々のグループでは、遺伝性胸部大動脈疾患の小児を対象とした運動ガイドラインの案を作成しました。どこにも発表されておらず、どの学会の承認も得ていませんが、ご家族と話し合う上では役立つ枠組みであると思われます。お分かりになると思いますが、こちらの表はお子さんそれぞれの状況に応じて解釈されるべきもので、多くのデータ(推奨事項)が含まれます。診察時に多くの質問を受けることから、遊園地のアトラクションについての記述も含めました。いずれにせよ、この表の裏付けとなるような実際のデータは見つけることができていませんが、我々のチームでは一般的に使われています。特に、お子さんが10代および思春期に入るとスポーツの激しさが増すことになりますので、欧州心臓病学会、米国心臓協会、The Marfan Foundationが公開したガイドラインと歩調を合わせることになります。
  日常的運動 体育 遊園地 娯楽的スポーツ 競争的スポーツ
体型が大きくなり、動きが速くなるとリスクが上昇する。接触型のスポーツは避ける 体型が大きくなり、動きが速くなるとリスクが上昇する。接触型のスポーツは避ける
注意※を要する 禁止



  • 必要な時にはいつでも休憩を取れるようにする。
  • 運動効果は適度な運動により得られるのであって、これを超えるレベルの運動は必要ない。
  • 保護装具(ヘルメット、保護メガネ)を常に着用する。
  • 上記表は、穏やかな大動脈拡張の患者(zスコア>4)に適用してはならない。
  • 注意:場合によっては、娯楽的スポーツでも非常に競争の激しいスポーツとなることがある。(例えば、中学2年生以上のバスケットボールの試合は、第三者的には非常に激しいスポーツに見える)


The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

The Marfan Foundation は、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.org にアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。