
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

運動に関するオンライン座談会 ~運動中の大動脈解離の発症率~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Physical Activity & Exercise




Thankfully dying suddenly when you're an athlete is very, very rare so it's a rare phenomenon in general and of that rare complication only two percent of death in athletes during competition are related to aortic complications, so two percent of a very rare phenomena. next slide. Next slide.



Similarly over over 2,600 deaths in athletes only one percent of these rare phenomena were related to aortic dissection. Next slide. 



And most did have suspect Marfan or related condition and the sports were the most commonly performed sports, of course, football, baseball and basketball were most associated in this rare phenomenon so this is what we think about although this is only the tip of the iceberg. 



What we do understand is that most physical activity performed at a recreational level is considered to be low risk so that's what we really want to emphasize. Next slide.



This talks about the weight lifting and they're the very small series of dissections associated with weight training. 



On the counter if we look at the largest data sets of aortic dissection and ask "What were you doing when an aortic dissection occurred?" only a very small minority are related to intense physical activity. Most occur during normal daily life so we don't really know what triggers aortic dissection for the majority of individuals. Next slide.



Do we know about exercise or intense exercise in people with Marfan syndrome. We really don't because once somebody is recognized as having Marfan syndrome it's generally recommended that instead of doing the most intense competitive exercise that things are done at a different level so we don't really have good information about what might happen if somebody who's known to have Marfan syndrome were to continue doing exercise at the most intense level. Next slide.



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