Should I tell people that I have Marfan syndrome?
Often children with Marfan syndrome feel the need to try to hide their condition. They don't want to admit to anyone else that they are different even though often it's quite obvious that there is something different about them because of physical features. That anxiety, that emotional energy that's used to try to hide their condition, I think, can be physically and emotionally exhausting.
My recommendation is that people should be upfront about Marfan syndrome or any other difference. They should just acknowledge it: "Hey, my arms are long because I have Marfan syndrome. I have to go to the hospital on occasion because I have a medical condition. You know what? You have funny ears. Let's go play video games." I mean just get it out in the open, acknowledge it and move on. I, I think that that is a very important, productive event for children and families with Marfan syndrome.
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