Children's Heart Issues in Marfan, Loeys Dietz, and vEDS - Virtual Symposium Series (4/9/19)
Now, although Loeys-Dietz obviously has been around for much longer, it took until 2005 for us to actually recognize the syndrome. It's something different from Marfan syndrome. Marfan syndrome being a condition affecting FBN1 or caused by mutations in the gene for FBN1.
With Loeys-Dietz, many patients who had Loeys-Dietz prior to 2005 were followed in connective tissue programs and thought to have perhaps atypical Marfan syndrome but it was recognized in 2005 by doctors Loeys and Dietz.
This indeed was a distinct syndrome with a lot of overlap with Marfan syndrome. From a cardiovascular standpoint, there were very similar findings in terms of aortic aneurysm and mitral valve prolapse but aortic disease tended to be more aggressive and diffuse. There was generalized arterial tortuosity or twisting of vessels, which I'll show examples off, and then there were other non-cardiovascular signs that were typical for Loeys-Dietz.
And here some typical pictures of children with Loeys-Dietz from the literature showing a different physical appearance for Marfan syndrome.
Many patients with Loeys-Dietz have abnormalities of the uvula and it is more common for people with Loeys-Dietz to have other congenital heart defects like bicuspid aortic valve or bicuspid pulmonary valve as compared to Marfan syndrome.
One characteristic of Loeys-Dietz is of tortuosity or very curviness of the aorta and other blood vessels and you can see a good example of tortuosity of the aorta in this patient of this Loeys-Dietz syndrome.
And then the peripheral vessel beyond the aorta can also be very tortuous, again these are patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome with very torturous arteries.
These are neck arteries in patients, children with Loeys-Dietz syndrome and you can see the very, very straight carotid artery but there're very curly and twisty tortuous vertebral artery and this tortuosity can be seen not only in Loeys-Dietz but also other connective tissue conditions and the more tortuous the vessel, we feel the higher the risk for aortic and other vascular problems.
We now know that at least six genes can cause Loeys-Dietz or Loeys-Dietz-like phenotypes and these are the genes listed here.
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