
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Surgical Thresholds for Root and Ascending Aortic Replacement in Loeys- Dietz Syndrome


Hi, I'm Alan Braverman. I'm the director of the Marfan syndrome and aortopathy center at Washington University in St Louis school of medicine and on behalf of the GenTAC alliance I'm going to present today information on aortic root and ascending aortic replacement in Loeys-Dietz syndrome and this is an update from the 2022 ACC/AHA aortic disease guidelines provided by the GenTAC alliance.


こんにちは、アラン・ブレイヴァマンです。ワシントン大学セントルイス校医学部でマルファン症候群および大動脈疾患センターの責任者をしています。本日はGenTACアライアンスを代表して、ロイス・ディーツ症候群における大動脈基部および上行大動脈の置換術についてお話しさせていただきます。内容は2022 ACC/AHA大動脈疾患ガイドラインからの最新情報です。


Loeys-Dietz syndrome is recognized to be due to pathogenic variance in genes encoding the receptor for TGF beta, TGFBR1 and 2 and other genes that affect the signaling pathway including SMAD3, TGFB2 and TGFB3 and has features which can overlap that seen with Marfan syndrome in the skeleton and others but has differing features that can discriminate including club feet, translucent skin with visible veins and velvety skin, facial mila, widened atrophic scars and easy bruising and it often has a characteristic triad to help recognize this phenotype including craniofacial features especially bifid uvula, wide-set eyes, bluish sclera, tortuous arteries and widespread arterial and aneurysm disease at earlier ages in some and much more aggressive in others compared to the Marfan syndrome.




In the earliest papers on Loeys-Dietz syndrome this one from the New England Journal from Bart Loeys and Hal Dietz group in 2006 emphasized the early-onset disease the more widespread arterial and aneurysm disease and the emphasis on some precision even then in the earliest recognition in those who had more severe craniofacial features having an earlier onset disease and more aggressive disease.




This important paper from the international registry from the Montalcino Aortic Consortium looked at a much larger group 441 patients from 228 families with 176 and 265 with TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 variants respectively. In this group the survival was 80% at 60 years, 23% had experienced an aortic dissection, 18% with preventive aortic surgery and even then recognition for some precision and variability between the genotype and phenotype with diameters at the time of dissection tending to be smaller in those with TGFBR2 variants, especially in women with more systemic features. Six individuals experienced a type A dissection with a diameter of less than 45 millimeters.


こちらは、国際レジストリであるMAC(Montalcino Aortic Consortium)から出された重要な論文です。228家族441名を対象とした、より規模の大きな研究で、内訳はTGFBR1、TGFBR2変異の患者さんが、それぞれ176名、265名となっています。この集団において、60歳時点での生存率は80%で、23%が大動脈解離を発症し、18%が予防的大動脈手術を受けていました。遺伝子型と表現型の間には、ある程度の正確性とばらつきが認められ、TGFBR2変異の患者さん、特に全身的特徴が多い女性で解離時の大動脈径が小さい傾向にありました。6名の患者さんが、大動脈径45mm未満でA型解離を発症していました。


The 2022 ACC/AHA guidelines provide information about managing Loeys-Dietz syndrome with various pathogenic variants. For all those with Loeys-Dietz a baseline MRI or CTA from head to pelvis is recommended to evaluate the aorta and the branches for the aneurysm, dissection and tortuosity. An annual imaging of dilated or dissected segments is recommended for followup and when the arterial segments appear normal periodic imaging over time, perhaps every two years, is reasonable with cerebral imaging every two to three years. 




In our series of 80 individuals with Loeys-Dietz syndrome for whom screening for intracranial aneurysm was performed we detected those in 20% of individuals and they did occur over time emphasizing the importance of followup.




In this important paper from Dr. Milewicz and her group from the Montalcino Aortic Consortium a thousand individuals with rare variants in seven heritable thoracic disease genes were looked at for cumulative probability of first aortic event: aneurysm repair or dissection. We're going to focus on the four genes related to TGF beta signaling, the Loeys-Dietz family of genes, to emphasize the importance of understanding the gene and then aortic events.




In this series accumulative probability of a first aortic event aneurysm repair or aortic dissection did differ with earlier onset disease with those with TGFBR2 compared to other genes and later onset for those with SMAD3. You can see the 50% probability being up to 15 to 20 years earlier in those with TGFBR2 gene variants.




The ACC/AHA guidelines emphasize gene-specific recommendation for surgical thresholds for prophylactic root replacement in genetic aortic disease and in Loeys-Dietz syndrome those decisions about aortic surgery involve shared decision making so for those with Loeys-Dietz syndrome and aortic dilation the surgical threshold for root and ascending replacement is informed by the specific genetic variant, the aortic diameter, the aortic growth rate, extra-aortic features, the family history, the patient's age and sex and physician and patient preference and the expertise of the center performing the surgery.




And one can see the different variants can have different aortic diameters that are also informed by the presence or absence of high-risk features and surgery is recommended at smaller diameters in those with Loeys-Dietz with high-risk features that associate with aortic dissection or with rapid growth and some of the high-risk features, again TGFBR2 then TGFBR1, small body size, severe exteriority features and a family history, when that dissection, when that occurs in small aortic diameters, so you can see how four centimeters may be very appropriate for some with certain variants and certain phenotypes where a larger diameter up to five centimeters may be more appropriate for TGFBR3 patients.




The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

The Marfan Foundation は、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.org にアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。