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Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection





Are there different recommendations for surgery if a patient is Loeys-Dietz compared to Marfan?





Well, I think, you know, I forgot what year it was but 15 years ago so maybe, Loeys-Dietz was sort of not even on the horizon and Dr. Braverman was very critical in bringing that to light that, that is actually a little bit more aggressive disease process than or syndromic process than Marfan syndrome. In that patients with Loeys-Dietz can have abnormal arteries in places that Marfan patients don't usually have and also they can have tears and, and, and ruptures and things like that at a much smaller size. 

Dr. Moon:



Dr. Braverman, maybe you can comment on that because we're much more aggressive, I think, in a Loeys-Dietz patient prophylactically than, than a patient with Marfan although we're aggressive in both.

Dr. Moon:



Dr. Moon's right. The and, it's an important question Loeys-Dietz, of course, now has five types and we're learning more. As Dr. Ohman said about how the genetics predict the outcomes and how we are going to be making surgical and vascular surgical decisions based on what the genotype is but in general for Loeys-Dietz type 1 and 2 or TGFBR1 and 2 prophylactic surgery that are much smaller size than Marfan syndrome is recommended. For some of the newer varieties we just don't have as much information and even amongst the ones we know about we're learning more that some genes behave even more aggressively than others in the same family. So a lot of work is being done here and it does take a multi-disciplinary approach with a lot of shared decision making about what's right for you.




And, and your family history is very important. When someone in the family has an aortic dissection we think about you much differently. We're much more aggressive about doing earlier surgery and that's the borne-out in most type of aortic disease.

Dr. Braverman:



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