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Loeys Dietz Syndrome: Virtual Medical Symposium Series (11/8/18)




Okay, thank you. Back to, I guess, basics and what is a diagnostic pathway to Loeys- Dietz syndrome? Is a normal echo enough to rule it out? So what are the steps be if somebody recognizes it or if they're suspected?



Yeah, so a normal echo typically would not be sufficient to say with certainty that someone doesn't have Loeys- Dietz syndrome, you know, that's especially true for young people. Sometimes the the risk of aneurysm emerges over time as someone ages. There are people, there are adults with Loeys- Dietz syndrome that I know of that do not have aortic root enlargement that doesn't mean that they're not at risk for problems in other blood vessels throughout the body, so that would not be a reason to simply decide not to image elsewhere.



If someone shows the facial and the skeletal and the skin features of Loeys-Dietz syndrome, they also show the tortuous blood vessels but they don't show any area of enlargement, I think the right choice would be to do DNA testing - to look at all of the genes that we know can cause Loeys- Dietz syndrome to see if we can find definitive evidence that someone has that underlying predisposition.



My bet is that there are still some more genes to find. So if someone has all of the features of Loeys- Dietz syndrome including aortic enlargement but has negative gene testing that doesn't mean that they don't have the condition. It just means that we don't yet know the gene that's specifically involved.



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