So we had learned a lot about Marfan syndrome and its relationship to TGF beta. Loeys-Dietz syndrome we now know has six different identified genes. All of them relate directly to the TGF beta signaling cascade. That's shown on the right. If you go to the next or click the next panel you can see the obvious clinical overlap between people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome and people with Marfan syndrome with regard to facial features, with regard to long fingers, for example, with regard to widening of the base of the aorta.
We also learned since the guidelines were published that another condition, next click, called Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome, which also has obvious overlap with Marfan syndrome and Loeys-Dietz syndrome was also caused by alterations in a modulator of TGF beta activity, a molecule called SKI, so on that basis we felt a comfortable suggesting not pro, with proof but suggesting that therapies that were effective for Marfan syndrome might be effective for Loeys-Dietz syndrome and other disorders, next slide.
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