Is there any precautions with arterial line insertion for anesthesia and the risk of arterial dissection in Loeys-Dietz patients, so maybe also like catheter procedures.
So the answer is yes. Anytime you manipulate an artery there is some risk that the manipulation itself is going to cause arterial injury and that potentially includes initiating a tear of the artery such as a dissection.
That is true even in people that don't have a connective tissue disorder. The risk is, I would say, increased in people with connective tissue disorders but not high in Loeys-Dietz syndrome or Marfan syndrome.
The risk is greater, for example, in people with vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, so in that condition you have to factor in the possibility that a catheter procedure is going to cause a problem to start.
Again the doctors caring for people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome or Marfan syndrome should be aware that that's the potential complication they should weigh it into their risk-benefit assessment but fortunately the risk is not high.
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