COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered
There are sometimes some myths that go around or, or I call the myth, that when you have Marfan's syndrome that you have a lower immunity? Can you speak to that?
Well, it's no, to my knowledge, no. Now there are there are some exceptions, for example, Loeys-Dietz syndrome because the TGF-beta pathway is such an important part of the development of the immune system. In that particular case, there are immune related phenomena that occur in, in Loeys-Dietz syndrome, you know, such as eosinophilic esophagitis, also phenomena like increased tendency towards allergy.
But at least to my knowledge, that's not our major issue in the Marfan syndrome. There may be individuals but as a characteristic of Marfan syndrome, I don't believe so.
So you would say that and those have for Loeys-Dietz, they may be more they may have a lower immune system if they have those GI issues and those allergy issues.
At least in theory, they would and I would have concern more concerned about them.
OK. Shaine?
I would totally agree, I would say the subsets that had those issues might be at increased risk but I think that's pretty, I think it's pretty uncommon to see significant immunocompromisation, you know, we see people who undergo surgery all the time and they recover in a pretty typical way, even patients with pretty severe Loeys-Dietz. They're not getting a lot of secondary infections. They're not getting a lot of complications so I have, theoretically yes with asthma and with eosinophilic esophagitis.
Yeah, the only caveat I would add on Juan is that if the allergies or the asthma is so severe that they're on kind of inhaled steroids or systemic steroids. Those interventions would actually make them somewhat immuno-compromised, so it could be the medication rather than the underlying disease that could confer the the risk status.
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