
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

新型コロナウイルスとマルファン関連疾患 ~ワクチン接種~

COVID-19 and Marfan, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz: Your Questions Answered




I make another comment and based on that the vaccines. one thing just make clear. (Can you guys see me here? Now, Yes. I can't see myself.) So anyway and one comment to make clear about the vaccinations, there's two kinds of pneumonia or pneumococcal vaccinations so there is one that all children get as part of their routine vaccination series and so a lot of kids are covered for most of the common pneumococcal and bacteria.



And then but children with chronic conditions, and I can go back to that in just a second, should get additionally the name of Pneumovax 23, which has additional, additional sort of vaccinations in it and so the reason for this is secondary infection. If someone gets a coronavirus, especially children or young adults with chronic conditions, they can get a secondary infection,

ですが、慢性疾患の子供では、二次感染予防のため、その他にPneumovax 23というワクチンも接種すべきです。対象となる慢性疾患についてはすぐ後に説明しますが、誰かがコロナウイルスに感染した場合、特に子供や若者では二次感染する可能性があるためです。


So the so these would be people who need Pneumovax 23, are people with chronic heart failure, chronic severe dysfunction or sev, possibly severe mitral or tricuspid regurgitation although that's pretty uncommon kids that possibly the form, the neonatal form, will be ones we would consider to get the Pneumovax 23 in childhood. I just wanted to clarify that and everyone should gets flu.

Pneumovax 23の接種が必要となる方は、慢性心不全や慢性的に重度の心機能不全を生じている方です。例えば、重度の僧帽弁逆流や三尖弁逆流の場合ですが、小児では珍しく、新生児マルファン症候群でみられることがあります。該当する方は小児のうちにPneumovax 23の接種を受けることを推奨します。一般の方は、インフルエンザのワクチン接種を受けてください。


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