
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~マルファン症候群におけるロサルタンの効果~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




So back 10 years ago we knew that Marfan syndrome related to alterations in the activity of a molecule called TGF beta. That's a mechanism by which cells talk to themselves or talk to each other and the evidence was that by some incompletely explained mechanism there appeared to be too much TGF beta activity within the aortic wall. We first learned this in Marfan syndrome but if we go to the next slide we also were able to infer from this, from the high activity of TGF beta activity that we were seeing that the medication losartan might be protective. That's based upon the ability of losartan to blunt or attenuate TGF beta activity within the aortic wall. 




At that time we had done studies in mouse models of Marfan syndrome that revealed that losartan was remarkably protective over the long term and the data from the animal model of Marfan syndrome also showed that beta blockers such as atenolol or propranolol also afforded some protection, so we were starting to be able, on the basis of animal studies, to suggest that beta blockers and/or angiotensin receptor blockers such as losartan might be useful in people with Marfan syndrome. 


当時マルファンマウスを使った研究で、ロサルタンには長期間に顕著な保護効果があることが明らかになりました。また、マルファン症候群の動物モデルを使った研究から、アテノロールやプロプラノロールといったβ遮断薬にも、ある程度の保護効果があることがわかりました。動物モデルに基づいたこれらの結果から、β遮断薬または/あるいはARB(例 ロサルタン)はマルファン症候群の患者さんに有効である可能性を提示できるようになったのです。


If we go to the next slide we were lacking very detailed information about the performance of these medications in people with connective tissue disorders. There were a variety of clinical trials done in Marfan syndrome that were suggesting that beta blockers and angiotensin receptor blockers might have some protective effect but there still was some ambiguity about which medications worked and which medication was better. 




So more recently a number of investigators have performed what's called a meta-analysis. They take the data or the information from all the available clinical trials and they combine the data to increase the power, to increase the ability to make conclusions and both of these meta-analyses confirmed that angiotensin receptor blockers were protective in people with Marfan syndrome. The most recent meta-analysis, the one that was most rigorously performed, documented that in Marfan syndrome angiotensin receptor blockers cut, such as losartan, overall cut the rate of growth of the aorta in half and the effect was even bigger if someone had an identified mutation in the Marfan gene, in the FBN1 gene. So that put us on a much firmer ground regarding the recommendation that angiotensin receptor blockers and/or beta blockers do have therapeutic effects in Marfan syndrome. 




We still on the basis of animal studies that have been performed since the time of the last recommendation or last guideline paper we now have better data for mouse models of Loeys-Dietz syndrome. I think that's what's on the next slide. 




No, I'm sorry. This slide illustrated a equally important point for people with Marfan syndrome. We had learned that losartan could slow the rate of growth but an important question was can the medication delay or prevent the critical events that happen, you know, in people with Marfan syndrome such as aortic tear or aortic surgery. This was addressed in a long-term follow-up of a clinical trial that was performed by investigators in the Netherlands and they nicely demonstrated not only that the protective effect of losartan was maintained over time in the study up to nine years but that also people treated with losartan or similar medications had decreased rates of re-operation on the aorta, operation beyond the aortic root, aortic tear or death due to any cause, so not only was losartan slowing the rate of aortic growth in people with Marfan syndrome but all also delaying and hopefully over the longer term preventing these important clinical events, next slide.




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