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マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜アンギオテンシン受容体阻害薬(ARB)の説明〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




So I want to talk now about the two different classes of medications and we're going to dig into this in a lot of detail and people are asking really sensible questions in the Q&A and I'm going to answer all those questions in, in the slides, I hope and if I haven't we'll take them up in the Q&A, okay?




So the first class, class of drugs I'm going to talk about angiotensin receptor blockers and then we're going to talk about beta blockers and we're going to talk about who benefits from all this kind of stuff, okay?




So let's give the the top level view first of all, so angiotensin receptor blockers in Marfan syndrome, so, so, so I'm going to talk about these things called ARBs, okay? and angiotensin receptor blockers are these medications like Losartan and Irbesartan and Telmisartan and Olmesartan and anything ending in -sartan essentially and I'm just going to call these ARBs to start with, okay? and in a minute I'm going to talk about whether which, which one's best and all that kind of stuff but for the moment I just want you to think about the classes of medications and essentially the, these medications have been around for about 30 years and, and they've been used for hypertension, they've been used for patients who've had heart failure and there are many hundreds of thousands of patients throughout the world who've been prescribed these medications. 




And, and the, the, the, the concept essentially is that in Marfan syndrome the problem is here, the fibrillin microfibrils are disrupted and do not work and as a consequence we think that these fibrillin microfibrils cannot effectively bind a medication called TGF-beta that means that this TGF-beta is disregulated. As a consequence there is excessive signaling through TGF-beta and that means that TGF-beta is signaling excessively and so making the, the cells in the TGF-beta in the, in the smooth muscle of the aortic wall do things they shouldn't do and causing the chemicals inside the the cells to signal excessively and this is not good for the way the cell is behaving. 




And that can be resolved by giving treatment through this pathway here, which is the angiotensin receptor pathway and that if we block signaling through this pathway it is possible to interfere with this signaling pathway because these pathways here link up inside the cell. That's the concept is a little complex I, I understand.




But the evidence is here, so this, this is evidence from Dr. Hal Dietz who many of you will have heard of and many of you I'm sure will have met and listened to at various times. This is the aortic wall of a mouse, a normal mouse, so called wild type. These are mice that, you know, live in the, in the wild I guess and there they have these beautiful architecture to their aortic wall. The, the black lines are the, the lamina, the elastic walls of the aorta and then in between is where the cells live and everything here is beautifully organized. 




Here is a mouse with Marfan syndrome who has just been treated with a placebo, just a sugar pill. It's not doing anything to them so this is a Marfan mouse and what you can see is the aortic wall is really thick. You might think thick is good but it's not good because what's making it thick is there's a load of expansion of stuff in between the, the good elastic walls and the elastic walls are all broken down and this is not good tissue. There's holes here, there's gaps there and this is a, you know, could tear, so this is bad aorta. This is not going to keep the aorta looking good for long. This is not good. 




Here is what happens if it's treated with beta blockers, Propanolol, which is normal treatment for Marfan syndrome. It's probably a little bit better than the bad aorta but it's no any as good as the good healthy aorta.




Here's what happens when the mouse is, is treated with Losartan, the  the angiotensin receptor blocker and this effectively normalize has, has prevented the mouse from developing these, these bad changes, so that, that's what happened in the mouse.




And, and here's the wall thickness. This is the normal mouse. This is the mouse with Marfan syndrome with no treatment. This is the mouse given the angiotensin receptor blocker, okay. 




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