
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜ARBのメタアナリシス〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome




So a number of trials now were, were, were then undertaken and we then organized with the, with the investigators who, who did these trials. We put these trials all together to try to give a definitive answer because the trials were confusing, you know, when, when as the trials were coming out they, they started to say kind of slightly conflicting things and it was a confusing picture and it was only really when we put the data together that a, a clear picture at least to my, to my mind emerged and I think I can hopefully explain it in a way that at least makes sense to you and I want to share it with you in a way that hopefully will make sense to to you as well. Let me, let me take you through it. 




So let's, yeah, first of all I want to talk, talk you through these four trials, so there were four trials that essentially asked the same question. There was a trial from France, there was a trial from the Netherlands, there was the AIMS trial, which child was heavily involved with from the Marfan Trust and then there was the trial from Belgium, which, were all fundamentally trying to ask the same question, very similar question. What these trials were doing is they were comparing angiotensin receptor blockers with a placebo medication, so they were, they were comparing the same thing but is it better, you know, essentially they are asking the question, "Are angiotensin receptors blockers better than a, a sugar pill?" effectively.


実施された4例の臨床試験は、Marfan-Sartan(フランス)、COMPARE(オランダ)、AIMS(イギリス)、Ghent Marfan(ベルギー)です。AIMSは若者を主な対象とした試験で、Marfan Trustの協力で実施されました。これらの試験はいずれも、ARBプラセボの比較という、ほぼ同一の目的で行われました。つまり、ARBプラセボ(砂糖の塊)よりも効果が高いかどうかを調べたということです。


And they, they differed by size, so this trial had 299 patients, this trial had 233 patients, this trial had 192 and this trial had 22 patients and so you might say, "Okay, well, it's not fair to compare to, to include this trial with this trial because this trial was much bigger than this trial," and if you and, if you thought that then you understand meta-analysis because we didn't add those trials together in a, in a lump and just say, "Well, okay that's one trial, that's two trials, three trials, four trials." We weighted the trials according to the amount of information that they contained and this trial contained an awful lot more information than this trial, so this trial got given more emphasis in the meta-analysis than this trial and a lot of people didn't understand that, okay?




There were certain trials that did very, very precise measurements of the aorta and there were other trials that did slightly less precise measurements. They just kind of, "Yeah, it's roughly there," and other trials really measured, it very precisely and some of the trialists said, "Well, I don't want my trial being mixed in with the guys who just kind of went, 'yeah it's roughly there'," and I said don't worry because we're going to weight the trials by the amount of information available, so if you did really precise measurements we know that and we're going to put more emphasis on your trials so that's the beauty of meta-analysis. We know which trials provide the most information and we can weight those trials accordingly, okay?




So the trials bit frequent measurements, so we got lots of, we got huge amounts of information for every participant and they were measuring the aorta at exactly the place where the aorta tends to enlarge, okay? So that's the characteristics of those trials. I'm going to skip this trial and come back to it.




We published the protocol before we knew what the trials were going to show so that there was no opportunity for us doing, you know, statistical jiggery-pokery. We, we said what we were going to do, we did it, we found the results. There was no opportunity for clever statistical messing around and we analyzed all eligible randomized trials that were done in the world that provided data to us. We used individual patient data and trials were weighted according to the information that they contain, okay.




The primary aims, that we wanted to estimate the effects of angiotensin receptor blockers and beta blockers on the change in aortic root size in patients with Marfan syndrome who had no prior aortic root surgery. There's no point in including patients with aortic root surgery because they've already had their aortas replaced with a piece of surgical material and, and so that would have affected the results in a way that was unhelpful.




So and then we had various secondary aims as well to it, to look at different subgroups, the children benefit to do, that sort of thing, so we looked at various other secondary outcomes as well, okay.




So let's look at the results, so now this looks a little complex but it's really pretty simple, so I just want to spend a minute talking you through this, so these are the names of the trials that we just talked about here's the French trial, here's the Dutch trial, here's the UK AIMS study, some of you may have been participants in that trial, here's the Belgian trial, okay and these are the names of the trials.




This is the annual change in the size of the aorta, so for each year that the participant was in the trial how much bigger did their aorta get. These are the participants who are on the drug treatment and these are the participants who are taking the sugar pill the placebo medication. If the patient, if the trial found that the angiotensin receptor blocker was better for the patient's aorta then the black dot here would be shifted over to the left hand side, side like this and if the trial found that it was actually better to be on the placebo medication then the black dot would be shifted over to this side.


Annual Changeが、大動脈径の年間変化です。臨床試験参加者の大動脈が毎年どの程度大きくなったかを示しています。ARBの列が薬物治療を受けた群で、Controlの列が、砂糖の塊を摂取した群です。ARB群が優れている場合には、黒い丸が左側に、プラセボ群が優れている場合には、右側に動きます。


And then the diamond represents the overall result, so when we looked at the results the first thing my eye went to is, "did this diamond fall on this side or did it fall on this side?" and if there was no difference the diamond would have fallen bang in the center, okay? and the further the diamond is to this side the more the ARBs work and the further to this side the more the, the controls work this side and if the diamond is completely on this side then we are, can be certain or more certain within certain confidence limits, that's a kind of statistical term, that the treatment works and what we can see is that the diamond falls completely on this side of the black line. If the diamond had been falling over the line, so half the diamonds on this side and half the diamonds on this side then it's a, it's a wash and the neither treatment works, you know, that just means the drugs do nothing.




So what we can see is the diamond falls completely on this side of the line and that tells us that the ARB is better than the the no treatment and the fact that the diamond falls completely over the line means we can be 90, well, we can have 95% confidence that, that result is true, more or less, it's not entirely right but that's basically it so, so, so that was, that was the kind of key finding of the meta-analysis.




And then the, and then the next thing to, to look at is well what how big is this effect, you know, are we, are we saying that the angiotensin receptors reduce the rate of aortic enlargement a tiny bit or is it a lot, what does that mean? Well, let, let's look at this, so per year the aorta was enlarging by 0.13 units here and if you were on treatment it was 0.07 units. Here now 0.13 and 0.07, this is about half of that 0.1, you know, if you double, if you double 0.07 you get 0.14, don't you? So .03, .14 it's about the same, so effectively what's happening is the ARB is halving the rate of at which the aorta enlarges. That's huge, okay? 




So, you know, like if, if, if there was a, if there was a medication that would give me half my hair back I take it, okay? So, you know, that so, so halving the rate of hair loss would be huge for me, halving the rate of which my, a the aorta was expanding for, for you guys is really really big, okay? So that's a really big effect and I and I'm and, you know, on a statistical level I'm quite certain about it, okay? So that, that's what, that's, what that showed and then there's various different ways of, of, of looking at it in in terms of the statistics which I think I'm just going to jump over for the moment. I'll put that on there, so it's on the, on the YouTube video.




So now then the next question people always want to say is, "Oh, does it work for older people, does it work for children, does it work equally for men and for women, does it work if my parents had Marfan syndrome, did it work if I've got a big aorta to start with or a small aorta, does it work people have got high and low blood pressure, does it work if I also take a beta blocker?" These, these are all very good questions and the short answer is that we found, I'm gonna get, I'm got to get this right, otherwise my, my statistical colleagues will sort of raise an eyebrow at me and, and the correct way of saying this I think is, is to say that we explored the data for evidence of differences because of these things and we found no evidence that it made any difference at all for any of these things, okay? If I'm being properly statistically correct about it that it, that is the way I should should say it, okay? We found no evidence for any differences according to any of these subgroups. We, we looked for whether people were, you know, for children, young people under the age of 16 compared to over the 16 we found no evidence for any difference. We, we looked for whether it was different for men and for women, we found no difference, we looked for family history, we looked for people with big aorta compared to small aorta, we found no difference, okay? 




I, I, I think what people would like me to say is to say that it makes no difference, that is going very slightly beyond what the data, what one can say from these types of data sets but I think I would I, I recommend these medications to men and women. I recommend it for children and for adults. I recommend it for people with high blood pressure, low blood pressure, big aortas, small aortas and if I fell into any of these categories I would be taking these meds. I'd be considering these medications for myself, for my children, for my sister, for me, my mom, my dad whether someone had a big or small aorta. That's how I would be approaching this and I've see no rational reason for denying these medications for certain people. 




Some colleagues say, "I like to individualize things, I like to tailor things to the individual patient," and with very limited number of exceptions what I like to ask those colleagues is on what rational basis do you do that because I can find no rational basis for doing it apart from one or two very limited exceptions.




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