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ロイス・ディーツ症候群について ~ロイス・ディーツ症候群が認知されるまで~

Loeys Dietz Syndrome: Virtual Medical Symposium Series (11/8/18)




Now Loeys-Dietz syndrome is a condition that we first recognized and described about 13 years ago, back in 2005.



You know, prior to this time, there was really no appreciation that a different condition, that a condition that could be discriminated from Marfan syndrome even existed. And based upon that, there was no ability to learn about the unique features of this condition; there were no treatment protocols that were specifically tailored to people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome; no treatment guidelines that we could share with physicians caring for these individuals; there were no medical tests to identify who was at risk for Loeys-Dietz syndrome; and there was no research that was specifically focused on the cause and treatment of this condition.



Back in 2005, my good friend and colleague Bart Loeys, who's shown in the upper right hand corner, and I recognized that there were people in our clinic that we couldn't fully explain.



They had some features in common with Marfan syndrome-like curvature of the spine, -like chest wall deformity, -like long fingers, an aortic root enlargement, but also a number of unique features like widely spaced eyes or a cleft or break in the palate in the top of the mouth or a split in the uvula in the back of the throat. There were other features that could be seen: deformities of the foot, other forms of heart disease.



But most importantly, we recognize that these that the aorta in these people was behaving very differently than what you'd expect in Marfan syndrome. They were showing enlargement not just at the base of the aorta but also of other arteries throughout the body and we also noticed very importantly that these aneurysms or areas of enlargement tended to tear or rupture at younger ages and at smaller sizes when compared to Marfan syndrome.



At Johns Hopkins, we've now had the opportunity to care for greater than 500 families, the slide is a little out of date, of people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome and we've also had the privilege to hear about many, many more families through our associations with colleagues throughout the world. As you know, this condition is now referred to as Loeys-Dietz syndrome.



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