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大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~手術年齢について(医師の解説)~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery




Now we're going to go to David and I'm not going to ask you how old you are but we want to get a little we're going to lay the foun...



I'm not going to tell you anyways, okay?



Okay and we're going to lay the groundwork a little bit on aortic surgery so can you just briefly just tell us why people with Marfan and Loeys-Dietz need aortic surgery, how common is it and like how old are people usually when they have that first one.



Sure, so well okay, let's talk about prophylactic surgery, which is what we try to achieve in almost all cases. Lauren, I'm sorry but sounds like they did a great job. You're here so. But we, you know, as in case with Domingo and Peter and Victoria we like to do the surgeries under controlled circumstances because then we can do it much more carefully. The risks are lower and we decide that, you know, based on a variety of factors based on what condition you have, whether it's Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome or one of the other conditions, they have hereditary aneurysms because we have, you know, fairly good data on what the risk level is at different sizes.



But we also factor other things in like, you know, what your preferences are, the timing in life, right, like Peter's case, sort of time or whereas where's a good break in life where you can take some time out so we can do that because we can follow things closely.



You know, the, so typically, you know, men with Marfan syndrome will get their surgeries typically in their 20s, okay, late teens or early 20s.



But women usually a little bit later usually in their late 20s and early 30s for Marfan syndrome. 



Loeys-Dietz is a little bit more variable. It's because, because the conditioned of Loeys-Dietz actually really is, you know, many genes involved and we see a lot more variability within the families, you know, in some parts, unfortunately it's a little bit more unpredictable so sometimes we'll operate earlier in terms of the regular aortic size in Loeys-Dietz syndrome than we would in, say Marfan syndrome, but, you know, we have patients with Loeys-Dietz, who may not need surgery or may not need surgery at all. People get surgery in the 50s and 60s from time to Loeys-Dietz but then also on Loeys-Dietz sometimes operating in children.



It's very rare to need an operation with Marfan syndrome in children. Typically it's either the young adulthood has been for Marfan syndrome. In the Loeys-Dietz because of such a variability in the disease, you know, some people will need their operations when they're children and others won't need things they're actually ??? we don't need it at all.



So we have a good, so we have a good panel pretty pretty representative then.



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