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大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~回復までの経過~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery




So let me, let me get to our panelists, so what was, what was let's start with right after surgery, what was recovery like for you, were you, were you tired for a long time, how long until you felt like normal and let's go to Victoria first.



So I just want to say thank you to Dominga. She was kind of my surgery expert besides my obviously my amazing cardiologist and surgeon. You know, asking questions to other people and getting the honest feedback about how you actually feel was a huge thing, especially with recovery it takes it takes a while. You know, I got married two months almost to the date after my surgery, which was remarkable but if you really try hard you can be somewhat recovered by then by that time but I would say I was probably tired for three or four months after surgery.



Peter, what about you?



Yeah, so kind of like Victoria or I didn't get married to about two months after I had surgery. I started college. I started my freshman year of college so, you know, it was definitely, it was definitely a grind at the start, to just get back. I spent most of that summer just getting myself back into being able to walk, being able to do stuff, being able to live on my live, live on campus, so it was definitely a grind by three, four maybe three four maybe five months before I actually was in this before I actually felt like I was prior to I had before having the surgery.



Dominga, do you ever, did you think at one point, "Okay, oh wow I feel like myself again" Did that like hit you at a certain point?



I, honestly, I don't think it hit me at any particular point. I think it was something that was very much gradual and just every, every now and again it was like okay this feels good or this feels normal or normal. What is normal? But it felt right, it felt better, it felt better. I think for me I was in a similar situation to Peter where I was focusing on making sure I could get back for my senior year of college, so I had a goal and I think that definitely helped me because it was something to look forward to, Victoria your wedding. It's something to look forward to. It's something to work towards and that definitely helped but even when I got back to school there were still moments of fatigue. There was like it wasn't as easy. I went to school in New York. it wasn't as easy to run for the subway at all but so there was still a lot of recovery time even every now and again you think when you think you're at a good space sometimes, sometimes you just have to step back and take that breath again.



Lauren, what what about you? Yours was emergency, so was your situation similar to everybody else?



Yeah, just about the similar timeline. My biggest, when I felt normal, was when I drove like I was like I can drive again okay like freedom but I would say like enter normal energy level probably three, four months.



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