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大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~手術と年齢~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery



So Hi, everyone. I'm Peter. I am, I had my first surgery planned a month after I graduated high school, so I was 18 at the time. I had it down at Boston Children's Hospital.

皆さん、こんにちは。Peterです。僕が初めて手術を受けたのは高校を卒業してから一ヶ月後なので、18歳の時です。待機手術でした。Boston Children's Hospitalで受けました。


Right. Dominga, how about you?



So I, yes. Hi, my name is Dominga. I had my first surgery it back in the summer of 2014. It was planned and it was at Stanford hospital with Dr Craig Miller as my surgeon and this guy, Dr. David Liang as my cardiologist and mom wrangler.

こんにちは、Domingaです。私の最初の手術は待機手術で、2014年の夏でした。執刀医はCraig Miller先生、循環器内科医は今回参加いただいている、Wrangler mom好きのDavid Liang先生です。


So how old were you and how old were you?


I was, I was about to start my senior year of college so I had just turned 21.


Right okay, Lauren, how about you?


Yeah, so my situation was an emergency so actually three years ago from tomorrow, was when I had my open-heart surgery and that's the only surgery I've had, so yeah definitely an emergency out here in Colorado so medical center of aurora and we just happened to have a surgeon on call that day that was specialized in aortic like surgeries.

私の場合は緊急手術でした。手術を受けてから明日で3年になります。開胸手術で、手術を受けたのはその時だけです。Colorado州にあるThe Medical Center of Auroraで受けました。運良く、大動脈手術が専門の外科医が当直でした。


And how old were, how old were you at the time?


I was 20... oh gosh, I have to do math. I was 28.


Great okay, thanks. Okay Victoria how about you?


Hi, so my first surgery was actually a lung collapse so that was an emergency surgery but my open heart surgery was rushed but it was planned so it was an emergency that I had to have it soon but I didn't have to have it that day. Almost it was a little over a year ago, November 15 2019 and I started off before all of COVID happened so it was very recent.



And how old were you?


I was 28.


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