Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020)
So what are the most frequently asked dental questions for the Marfan syndrome and related disorders? I look at that is two categories. They are the questions that the patients have and then they're the questions that providers have in order to help the patients and to be better providers.
Patient FAQs, "Will I or my child need braces simply because we have Marfan?" They, have Marfan syndrome and that's an expectation. That's, that's the question. "Does Mafan always cause a narrow upper jaw?" "Will I need an expander and what type?" "Will I need jaw surgery?" "Does Marfan syndrome cause weak enamel?" and "Do I need antibiotics prior to dental treatment?"
So what I am going to elevate are some of these questions, not all of them. I will tell you relative to the one question about weak enamel. We really don't know because the studies, the cohort studies, have not been robust enough to answer that question in an evidence-based way even though anecdotally I have patients all the time say, "Well, I have weak enamel and I have Marfan syndrome, so, you know, is that connected?" There's just not enough data to say that.
But let's think about some of the other things and what doctors want to know. Most doctors, researchers, dentists want to know, "Can we better diagnose using some of the craniofacial/dental features?" "Do we need to expect a specific response or a lack of response to general and orthodontic treatment for patients with Marfan syndrome?" and "Do we need to use a special treatment protocol for people with Marfan syndrome or related disorders?"
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