Lung Issues in Marfan Syndrome
So let's start with restrictive lung disease. About 50% or more of patients with Marfan syndrome have some degree of restriction and this ranges from relatively mild restriction, which is not something that's of clinical consequence, to a pretty significant restriction and this is usually attributable to musculoskeletal abnormalities of the chest.
And effectively what happens is that a person is unable to expand the chest fully, so your lung capacity is limited. So what are the symptoms? The symptoms are typically shortness of breath with exertion or activity and this can actually progress to shortness of breath at rest and with further progression, this can lead to low oxygen levels in the blood or cyanosis and even heart strain.
On this slide, I depict kind of the basic tests that pulmonologist will obtain for persons who have possible lung issues and that is spirometry and pulmonary function testing and this typically occurs in a pulmonary function lab where a person is asked to take a big breath in and breathe out as hard as they can and in this way, we're able to measure the volume of air that you're able to breathe in and out and also the rapidity with which you're able to breathe in and out.
Now in order to diagnose restriction, we look at a particular tracing that we generate from these studies and these are called flow volume loops and on the left we see the flow volume loop of a normal person and you can look on the left side of this and this is a point at which someone is asked to take a deep breath in and then blow it out as fast as they can. Now this measurement reflects your lung capacity or your vital capacity and what I want you to notice is that in a person with restrictive physiology which we see on the right that lung capacity is significantly reduced and that is how we make the diagnosis of restrictive lung disease.
肺機能の診断のため、これらの検査結果から得られた、フローボリューム曲線(FVL)を確認します。左側は正常な方のFVLです。この図の左側の点(0の点)で深呼吸して、思いっきり吐き出すのがこの点(4の点)です。この測定値(Volume の線)が肺活量を示します。注目していただきたいのは、右の図で示されている、拘束性障害が認められる方では肺活量がかなり低下しているということです。このようにして我々は、拘束性肺疾患の診断を行っています。
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