
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

COVID-19とマルファン関連疾患 ~呼吸器・循環器以外の疾患~

COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered




So Dr. Dietz, there's a few of the other disorders that may also have a higher risk for severe complications that are listed on this slide, you know, that mainly deal with Loeys-Dietz patients, familial aortic aneurysm patients, and vEDS patients, so can you go over some of this?



Well, my pleasure. So there's a small subset of people with connective tissue disorders that have a very hard time putting on weight or increasing their muscle mass and fat stores. This is referred to as chronic malnutrition. Many of these people have been told that they require feeding by alternative mechanisms, for example, a tube that's put down the nose that allows them to receive extra calories at night and some people in this circumstance have also required something called the g-tube or a gastric tube that allows extra nutrition to be instilled directly through the skin into the stomach.



Sometimes this problem with putting on weight relates to an inflammation of the intestines. This can be particularly relevant to people with certain forms of Loeys-Dietz syndrome and sometimes in order to calm down the inflammation of the intestines, these folks receive a class of medications called immunosuppressants. They're meant to blunt the response of our immune system, which can help to reduce inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract but that can also impair the ability of individuals to fight an infection including viral infections, so if someone is taking a chronic immunosuppressant to control their inflammatory bowel disease or if someone is taking steroids or other immunosuppressive medications to control other chronic conditions, for example, very severe asthma, they can be at increased risk to have a more severe form of many infections including COVID-19.



There are is a small subgroup of patients with mutations in a gene called a ACTA-2 that have very severe impairment of their muscle function that can include the muscles that are used to breathe and also the muscles that are used to cough, very important parts of resisting a severe respiratory infection so that small subgroup of people would be considered at high risk of severe complications if they develop this infection.



There's also a subset of people with vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome that have had severe and recurrent pulmonary complications, especially bleeding in the lungs and this can lead to chronic lung issues including difficulty breathing. It can lead to lung scarring and decreased amounts of pulmonary reserve that the body can tap into, so we also think that that would be a higher risk group that should discuss special precautions with their pulmonologist and primary care doctor.



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