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ロイス・ディーツ症候群における消化器管理 〜栄養補給と栄養療法〜

Navigating GI Management in LDS




So when should we think about supplementation? Again, if someone is dropping percentiles, that last graph I showed you, if someone is less than the 10th percentile for their body mass index or their weight for height, and a surgery is planned - people with good nutrition recover faster after surgery and have a lower risk for complications. So if a surgery is planned, it makes sense to sort of really do a full court press to try to get that person up into the 10th percentile. As a side note, probably checking a CBC to make sure their hemoglobin is normal, supplementing with iron to get that hemoglobin normal before the surgery, those are all things.




Another issue that I'll be talking about later is bone health. If the BMI is less than the 10th percentile and the bone density score is low, we've seen patients with LDS have significant improvements in their bone density just by getting them better nutrition.




So what does nutrition therapy count as? Well, for older children and adults it can just be changing the way you eat. The technique is called calorie packing. It's adding oil and butter and mayonnaise and all the things that everyone thinks is delicious but generally shouldn't eat. You get to eat and sort of doing that with regular food. Younger children who are on a formula or breastfeeding, we can supplement breast milk or concentrate the formula more than sort of the standard calories. And sometimes for older kids we can use a formula as a supplement. So let them eat normal food but replace their liquid intake with some sort of supplementary formula. How long is it reasonable to try this? So really four to eight weeks. So this is not something you can do for a couple days to see if it works. This is one to two months of a really good try to see are you able to improve that BMI.




Dietary exclusions due to allergies I'll talk about that in a minute and this jaw muscle weakness which I mentioned. They make it really difficult. Also, people with allergies may need either a partially broken down or extensively broken down formula and those tend to not taste great. There are some newer option formulas for people with allergies that are not broken down that are a little bit more palatable than these elemental formulas.




For people with - this is a long-term issue where they're having a planned surgery - NG feeds which is a tube that goes in your nose down into your stomach, it can be placed and taken out, or a long-term feeding tube called a gastrostomy tube may be appropriate interventions for someone with a long-term need for nutritional therapy.




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