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LDS小児の消化器疾患 ~まとめ~

Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit




So to summarize your body mass index or if you're less than two your weight for length should be plotted at every visit and if it is low dropping or a surgery is planned or you have low bone density it really should be addressed as this can reduce the risk of complications after surgery and increase your bone density. 



Other things to improve your nutrition are monitoring your vitamin D level and supplementing if it is low and making sure you're getting adequate amounts of calcium each day, which change with your age. 



If you're not able to eat enough in order to maintain a appropriate body mass index G tubes or gastrostomy tubes are safe in people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome and may help them meet those needs. 



Many people with connective tissue disorders including Loeys-Dietz syndrome have a significant issue with constipation and this can be addressed with stool softeners. Long-standing constipation may also need the addition of stimulants and something called pelvic floor physical therapy and if you have a child who's developed a fear of using the toilet due to pain with having a bowel movement it's really important to involve a behavioral psychologist sooner rather than later. 



And then lastly people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome are at an increased risk for an intestinal inflammatory condition called inflammatory bowel disease and symptoms consistent with this should be investigated. 



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