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What’s in Your LDS Family Tree? Genetics, Variability, Outcomes (September 1, 2020)




Should relatives who show characteristics of Loeys-Dietz syndrome including aortic dilation yet don't test positive for the family's identified LDS gene continue to explore LDS as an expected cause?



So, that's actually not an uncommon situation. On a regular basis we find what we truly believe to be the gene and the change that's causing a condition like Loeys-Dietz syndrome in a family but recognize that there are outlier individuals in that family typically one, sometimes more than one, who show some degree of aortic enlargement but come back negative for the familial gene change. That doesn't mean that, that person has Loeys-Dietz syndrome but does suggest that they have some other genetic predisposition for their aorta to be bigger than it should be. You know, if they have all the other outward features of Loeys-Dietz syndrome, skeletal and craniofacial features that really suggest that they have Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Probably they should get in touch with the lab that did the testing to make sure there wasn't a sample mix up because those kinds of things although rare can happen but if that's not the case they need to continue to be followed by a cardiologist if their aorta gets to a worrisome size. They should consider using medications and perhaps the need for surgery.



You know, I can tell you that in over the years that I've been doing this there are probably a dozen families or so where I feel confident that there are two different gene changes causing aortic enlargement in that family and there's at least one family where I feel very confident that there are three different genes causing aortic enlargement in that family, so it's fortunately rare but it does happen.



And I think this was a variation of a question that was a little bit later on is that I think we get a similar question in terms of someone who tests negative, who has a normal aorta but who has some like mild hypermobility or mild scoliosis but they have a normal aorta and in those cases I don't necessarily know that it's necessary to be aggressive in further testing unless they have aortic dilation in a family member.



Yes, as Gretchen mentioned connective tissue findings are really pretty common in the general population. If you look at families with Marfan syndrome or Loeys-Dietz syndrome it's not at all uncommon to find occasional family members that have loose joints or a little bit of indentation of the chest wall or perhaps very mild curvature of the spine. 



What is uncommon is to find people in those families who have many of those findings in combination so that should really be the red flag. If someone is showing up with scoliosis and pectus deformity and severe nearsightedness at a young age and skin stretch marks somebody needs to take a real careful look at that individual. As Grenchan mentioned if somebody just has one finding that's really common in the general population. You know, as long as the testing has been done that excludes that, that person carries the familial gene variant I think that they can be largely reassured. 



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