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小児における大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するステートメント 〜付録〜

Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy




And these are the different sections that are included in the paper. So you might imagine that the sections on Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome, vascular EDS and ACTA2 are much longer than some of the others where there's less information to talk about. So in addition to the general sections in the front of the paper, there are specific sections for each of these conditions.




And towards the bottom of the table, we talk about a very common congenital heart defect called bicuspid valve. So there's specific guidance related to that diagnosis, and then there's also a section for what to do in a situation where we know that there is aortic enlargement but we don't know what the genetic cause is.




And because of the strict word limit that the actual paper allowed, only seven tables, I think we included seven figures and tables, we included an additional 14 tables and figures in the supplement which is easily accessible on the website, the Circulation website. So we talk about things like how these genes present during childhood. We can just go through the different tables. I won't go into all the specifics here.




There's figures on how to do the echo, how to do an MRI, how to take the measurements, recognizing that it's important to do these measurements in a consistent way. Probably the most useful supplemental table, I think it's the next one, Shaine. This one? Yes. Yeah, so the second to the last one, we give there's a table devoted to when to do CT and MRI. So it's generally less common to do - oh there's the table - yeah, it's less common to do it for Marfan syndrome, much more common to do cross-sectional imaging either CT or an MRI with a Loeys-Dietz diagnosis, particularly type 1 and 2, or a vascular Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis. And then we have specific guidance for how to use the medications as well.




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