
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。





It says is there a specific allergy common in Loeys-Dietz syndrome? My partner is dairy and lactose intolerant so should we consider an allergy test for our old 14-year old, 14 month- old son, LDS SMAD3?



So the foods that we see people allergic to in Loeys-Dietz syndrome do not seem to be different from the general population so with Loeys-Dietz syndrome seems to do is make you more susceptible to developing allergies. It doesn't change, though, that preponderance from the general population. 



So it's the same food, so milk, eggs, soy, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish, sort of the top, you know, seven foods there that we see both in the general population and both in Loeys-Dietz syndrome.



Certainly a family history plays into that. You had mentioned lactose intolerance. It's just important to realize lactose intolerance is not an allergy. Lactose intolerance is a sugar intolerance and lactose intolerance is actually normal for humans. Most humans on the planet become lactose intolerance as they get older as we lose the ability to break down that milk sugar. The symptoms can be bloating gas, diarrhea but again that's actually normal for humans. It doesn't cause any damage. 



A dairy allergy is different. That's an immune, an inappropriate immunologic attack against the dairy protein as opposed to an inability to digest the sugar. 



The most important thing that helps you decide whether or not someone should undergo allergy testing is what happens when they're eating the food or what are their general symptoms. It's not in general a good idea just to sort of randomly test people for foods that you think they might be allergic to. 



We do know that people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome have a lot of positive tests and that doesn't necessarily mean you're allergic to a food. It's actually quite important not to just, you know, do a blood test and say "Okay, we're just going to take you off everything you're allergic to." 



There can be some drawbacks to it. If you're eating a food every day and not having symptoms to it even if you have a test that's positive it's unlikely that you have one of these fast anaphylactic allergies to the food, so you are what's called sensitized but you're still tolerant to the food. 



And in that situation we would actually recommend that you don't stop eating that food so it's the eating the food every day that maintains the tolerance.



So someone who does, who is, has a positive blood test but no reaction to the food, if you do a great job and take that person off of the food and they never see it they can actually develop an anaphylactic or life-threatening allergy to that food. 



So, so it's the blood test just gives a probability are you the probability that you might be allergic to the food and the higher the number the higher the probability and the lower the number the lower the probability. That never gets to 100 and it never gets to zero percent.



So it's, it's very not straightforward in the interpretation of this test and there can be some drawbacks to just testing and taking people off foods without really thinking about it. 



That was, that was a long answer but that's a that's a really complicated and a good question. That has a lot of nuances to it.



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