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ロイス・ディーツ症候群におけるアレルギーと消化器疾患 ~食物アレルギー~

Loeys-Dietz Gastroenterology and Allergy Q&A




Almost one-third of people with types one and two LDS will have food allergy. It can be really tricky to diagnose food allergy and distinguish it from food intolerances which are also very common both in people with LDS and the general population. What really distinguishes food allergy is that it is an immune response to a food protein whereas most food intolerances are related to the carbohydrate content of food. 




A good example is lactose intolerance where people are missing the enzyme that's needed to break down lactose, one of the sugars that's in food. With food allergy even very tiny amounts of the food can cause a reaction and in some cases these reactions can be severe and even life-threatening. 




Some people are only allergic to one or two foods but it's certainly possible that you can be allergic to multiple foods. It's important to know that our current test for diagnosing food allergy often give false positive results and what that means is that many people will have a positive test to a food whether that's blood testing or skin testing even when they're not truly allergic, so it can be really important to consult with an allergist when interpreting the results of these tests to really know for sure which foods you need to avoid. 




At this point we don't have a cure for food allergy and current management is really strict avoidance of the food with ready access to an epinephrine auto injector or EpiPen in the event that you have an accidental exposure and reaction. Now epinephrine works by increasing blood pressure and the heart rate, which are not desirable in facts in someone who has an underlying vascular abnormality and so we are more cautious about using epinephrine in people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome. 




This can be important to discuss with your school nurse. Generally we would recommend that local or localized or mild reactions at least first be treated with an antihistamine and that we really reserve use of epinephrine for those reactions that are more severe such as if someone's having difficulty breathing or if they have involvement of two or more body systems. 




So the symptoms of food allergy can range from chronic low-grade symptoms that might just involve the GI tract to acute, more life-threatening reactions. Some common features that you can see during a food allergic reaction include hives and swelling, cough and trouble breathing or wheezing and then in the most severe cases hypotension or a drop in blood pressure and shock. Now in these very severe cases whether you have Loeys-Dietz or not we would strongly recommend using epinephrine since the benefits will far outweigh any potential risk. 




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