Loeys-Dietz Gastroenterology and Allergy Q&A
This one is about an eczema flare. It says the pediatrician will not run a food panel for allergies, only environmental. Any suggestions?
Yeah, so it's very rare. We used to do food testing in people with eczema all the time and in really young kids food can be a trigger for eczema but if food is the trigger it's usually going to happen again. You're very early in life usually in babies, you know, one or two years of age, it will cause a full body eczematous rash, not, you know, localized and it will happen very clearly after they eat a particular food.
So in the past we used to do more food elimination diets as a treatment for eczema where we would say, you know, take all dairy out of your diet see if the eczema improves and then if it does always do the second half of that experiment where you reintroduce the food to see if the eczema comes back and we still do that occasionally but what we learned is that by taking the food out of the diet particularly in someone with eczema they sometimes will develop that anaphylactic type allergy to the food, so it's important actually that we try and keep the food in your diet, if we can, to maintain tolerance to the food so you don't develop a more severe allergy. So people will now that have eczema, we're much more reticent or hesitant to try and do food elimination diets because of that risk.
So most people with eczema over 90 percent will have a positive test to one of the major food allergens and that's probably why your pediatrician is hesitant to do it because we don't know what to do with that positive test. As I was mentioning, you know, a lot of people will have positive tests to foods that they are completely able to tolerate in their diet with no problem and there is that risk that if we take out foods that someone tests positive to they will develop a more anaphylactic type allergy to the food.
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