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Loeys-Dietz Gastroenterology and Allergy Q&A




Can allergies, food allergies specifically, change with time in adults and/or children? We've had a couple questions about that. One specifically citing like had, had an allergy to strawberries, got pregnant, no longer allergic to strawberries and then also a question about any specific antihistamine for food allergy exposure, kids and/or adults.




Yeah, no, no problem. So food allergies can develop at any age. They peak pretty early in life, usually at about a year of age we see a peak in the prevalence of food allergy so most of them will develop early on in childhood but we're seeing more and more people develop food allergies as adults and interestingly pregnancy tends to be one of those times where we will see, you know, some adults develop new onset food allergies or have some of their food allergies resolved, so it's certainly something I've heard anecdotally. I don't think that we have a good mechanistic understanding for why that's the case but we certainly do see that. 




You know, as kids get older they tend to outgrow their food allergies, so we generally see numbers to in their, their testing increase between the ages of zero and three years of age and then after about four or five years of age many kids will start to outgrow their allergy. That group of adults who do develop new allergies, you know, when they're older and didn't have any problems as kids. 




And then in terms of what antihistamines to use, you know, we used to say to use Benadryl in the past but we know Benadryl can make you sleepy and so now even in our food challenges we're starting to do more and more work with Zyrtec, Cetirizine, or Allegra, Fexofenadine, so those I think are fine substitutes to use instead of Benadryl and shouldn't cause the increase in sleepiness that can occur with Benadryl. 




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