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Loeys-Dietz Gastroenterology and Allergy Q&A




At what point does an intolerance become an allergy




So they're actually very different things. One doesn't necessarily turn into the other. 




You know, food allergy refers to something very specific. It is mediated by a type of antibody called IgE which is the allergic antibody and with food allergy the reaction will happen every time you eat the food even if you only get exposed to a tiny amount of that food and causes very characteristic symptoms, so those are the hives, the immediate symptoms that usually happen within minutes but usually no longer than an hour or two after you eat the food, so things like hives, trouble breathing, your throat, you know, closing or swelling, those sorts of symptoms. That's a food allergy and, and there are blood tests, there is skin testing. We can do to try and detect those IgE antibodies to food, so the diagnosis is really based on the results of those IgE tests plus your clinical history




A food intolerance can manifest many different ways. For some people, you know, like with lactose intolerance they'll have GI symptoms. Some people with an intolerance are able to eat a little bit of the food and they only have a problem if they eat more of the food, so those types of symptoms tend to be a little more delayed in some cases, oh, there we go, more delayed and can present a little bit differently than classic food allergy.




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