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Loeys-Dietz Gastroenterology and Allergy Q&A




We've had a couple of questions. I see Julie, I know Lincoln has tree nut allergies, so asking about a young child a type 2, you know, when would you use an EpiPen, would you not use an EpiPen? At what age would you do a food challenge to see if he's grown out of it? 





Those are all good questions, so in terms of when to use an EpiPen if they have a reaction that is mild or localized and what I mean by localized they have maybe hives at one part of their body and that's their only symptom or they only have itchiness in their mouth or they had one episode of vomiting, for instance, then you could try treating with an antihistamine something like the Zyrtec, Benadryl or Allegra that I mentioned but if they start to have difficulty swallowing or breathing or there's two systems involved where they have hives involving their whole body and their vomiting, so it's both GI symptoms and skin symptoms, that's when we would go ahead and use the EpiPen. 




Then, I forgot the second question was about food challenges, so food challenges that is where the allergy testing does come into play, so we have pretty good cutoffs for when we would do a food challenge for tree nuts and so it's really based on their history of reaction to the tree nuts, whether they've ever eaten them and if they have what their reaction was, the type of reaction they had, how long ago that reaction was and what their IgE level to that tree nut is, so it's, it's a, it takes into I guess incorporates a few pieces of information but we would generally check the IgE levels about once a year and make that decision again based on the clinical history when to offer a food challenge.




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