Navigating GI Management in LDS
So how does nutrition feed into bone health? People with Loeys-Dietz Syndrome have weak bones, we think. This is part of the Loeys-Dietz syndrome. About one-third of adults and about two-thirds of children with Loeys-Dietz syndrome in a study we did had a lower bone density score, and about two-thirds of people in the study experienced one fracture in their lifetime. Children were more significantly affected than adults, and males were more significantly affected than females.
One of the things that people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome should think about is whether or not a DEXA scan, which is a bone density scan, might be helpful to do. We have some guidelines and papers in terms of other physical characteristics that you can look at to know whether or not you might be at risk for having low bone density.
How do you maximize your bone density strength? Well, there are things you can do regardless of whether or not it's low, and the first thing is we want to make sure your nutritional status is as good as possible so that, the ceiling for your bone strength is set by the Loeys-Dietz syndrome and not by your nutrition. So look at your calcium intake. There's not a calcium blood test to do; the calcium blood test that shows up on the labs that some of you have gotten does not reflect your calcium intake or your calcium scores or calcium level. The only way to know you're getting adequate calcium for bones is to sort of do a back-of-the-envelope calculation in terms of your intake. That changes with age, and teenagers need the most calcium. Adults actually need less calcium than teenagers, but in the 8 to 17 age range, teenagers need about 1,300 milligrams of calcium a day.
The other thing that we suggest is monitoring vitamin D levels at least yearly and supplementing. This should be checked in the winter when it's the lowest. There are supplements you can take.
While there are some limitations on the type of exercise people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome should do, certainly having some sort of physical activity that is weight-bearing. Swimming is great, but that doesn't build bones. So walking and those types of activities need to be done on a daily or every other day basis.
Obviously, no one should smoke, but that can certainly affect your bone strength.
If there's a very low DEXA score and a very low BMI, supplementation should be considered. I'll talk more about some inflammatory conditions, but if you have significant asthma or if you have a significant GI inflammatory disorder, those need to be kept under control. If you have inflammation, you cannot build strong bones. Steroids, one of the medications that we use to control inflammation, should be used if you have uncontrolled inflammation, but you need a longer-term plan. If your doctor is putting you on steroids two times a year or three times a year, that's really something you should have a discussion with them about whether or not a better long-term plan to avoid repeated use, of course, of steroids is needed.
Lastly, there are bone health specialists, usually these are endocrinologists, who can discuss with you whether or not a class of drugs called bisphosphonates might be helpful. We have some preliminary data to suggest that they are useful to take in Loeys-Dietz syndrome, and again, these bone health specialists can help you make that decision.
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