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ロイス・ディーツ症候群における消化器管理 〜便秘〜

Navigating GI Management in LDS




We're going to talk about constipation a little bit. This is super common in people with connective tissue disorders. Well, it's super common in general, but in people with connective tissue disorders, it tends to be more common and so tends to be very common in Loeys-Dietz syndrome.




My definition of constipation includes large, hard, painful-to-pass bowel movements or tiny, little pellet-like bowel movements, or the inability to completely have a full bowel movement so that you're getting some leaking of stool frequently. Most of my patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome, I recommend being on a daily stool softener to avoid developing this problem. Most commonly we use a medicine called Miralax. There are lots of other options: fiber, diet, magnesium. The generic names for Miralax are Glycolax, Clearlax; the generic is PEG 3350.


私が考える便秘には、排便時に痛みを伴う太くて硬い便や小さくコロコロした便、全くお通じがないものの頻繁に便が漏れてしまう、といった状態が含まれます。私が担当する大部分のLDS患者さんに対しては、こうした問題が起こらないように便軟化剤を毎日飲むように推奨しています。一般に最も多く用いられるのが、Miralaxと呼ばれるお薬です。これ以外にも食物繊維、食事、マグネシウムなどの選択肢があります。Miralaxの一般名としてGlycolaxやClearlaxがあり、ジェネリック薬はPEG 3350です。


The important thing to realize is that any of these constipation medications do not work well on an as-needed basis. So you can't wait till you get constipated and then say, "Oh, I'll take Miralax for a few days." That actually ends up usually causing more problems than not. It really needs to be something that you're either on or you're off. If you're taking it intermittently, it tends to cause more problems and more leaking. If it's longstanding, you may need a cleanout where you sort of flush everything out to reset the colon and then start a daily dose.




One of the things that's really important for younger kids is to get their body in an appropriate position. Little kids are short; their feet don't reach the floor when they're sitting on the toilet. Having your legs in that hanging position doesn't relax the pelvic muscles appropriately, makes it hard to empty the rectum. So for younger kids, whether or not they have a connective tissue disorder, these Squatty Potties, which is just a stool - you don't need to pay brand name Squatty Potty, any stool that puts the kid's feet in the appropriate position is going to help put those pelvic muscles in the appropriate position.




What happens if constipation has been going on for a long time? Well, you get dilation of the rectum, the last part of your intestines before it comes out of your bottom. That dilation, that stretching out, makes it hard for the rectum to generate enough force, and so sometimes we need to add a stimulant. Also, for younger kids who are trying to learn how to potty train, I do tend to use more stimulants and less Miralax for those patients as well because adding a lot of Miralax makes it hard for them to know when they have to have a bowel movement, makes it hard to potty train.




When you have long-term constipation, you can get pelvic floor dyssynergia. If things are working together, it's synergy; if the pelvic floor muscles are not working together, it's dyssynergy. You can diagnose this with testing called anorectal manometry, but if you've had constipation going on for several years, almost assuredly you have pelvic floor dyssynergia. There are lots of pelvic floor physical therapists that exist out there that can be found to help with the appropriate exercises to get the right muscles working together.




Also, if you have a younger child who is starting to withhold because they're constipated, so every time they try to have a bowel movement, there's significant pain, and so they withhold, which makes the stool harder, which makes it hurt more, so they withhold more, and you're in this vicious cycle, or you have a child who is not taking their medicine for whatever reason, a behavioral therapist or behavioral psychologist doing cognitive behavioral therapy to work on a toileting plan or a medication adherence plan is really, really useful. If you're having a battle about daily medicines, if you're having a battle about using the potty, and you have one of these people in your area, it's really useful to get their help in these problems to sort of offload that cognitive load to them.




If things are not improving as expected with constipation, there are some additional tests that I would suggest you talk to your doctor about. There are some blood tests for celiac disease, which is an intolerance for wheat protein. Celiac disease we don't believe is associated with Loeys-Dietz syndrome, but it is really common, and there's a simple blood test that can be done. Also, checking for thyroid disease. In addition to the anorectal manometry that I mentioned, there's some X-ray testing, something called a sitz marker, which looks to see if it's a general slowdown, are things getting held up in the rectum due to dilation there.




There are some more invasive tests: there are some biopsies to look for something called Hirschsprung's disease. Again, we don't believe this is associated with Loeys-Dietz syndrome, but if things have been proceeding for quite some time, it is something to discuss. 




There's also MRI tests to look for a tethered cord, and there's a more specialized MRI test to look for outpouching in the rectum that may cause a problem. Not all places are going to have the capability to do that; you may need to go to a specialized center to do that.




Lastly, there are some people who are not allergic to dairy by biopsy or blood tests, but dairy leads to significant constipation for these people. So another possibility is to try to take dairy out of the diet for four weeks, see if it helps. If it doesn't help, there's no reason to continue taking it out of the diet. If it does help, great. Typically, people where that helps, you can add cheese and yogurt back; it's just sort of large amounts of drinking milk that you may need to avoid. If this is you, you do need to consider how much calcium that was adding to your diet and find another way to replace it.




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