Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic
Dr. Morris, can you discuss the array of genetic testing available for Marfan-related conditions including...
Sure and it's so easy now. So 10 years ago, you know, I think most people geneticists and cardiologists may not have even done testing two years ago, 10 years ago because it was a blood sample. It was cost-prohibitive, you know, it might have been a thousand dollars. It was hard to organize. It was hard to get insurance coverage.
And the world is completely different now, so what we do the first time I meet a patient if we want to do testing: we get a little cheek swab like a little buccal swab, we put in a kit, just kind of like the 23andMe kits and we mail it out from clinic and for most patients if you have health insurance it's free. If you have a deductible or if you have to pay out of pocket almost all the American insurance, almost all the American companies doing genetic testing will limit your out-of-pocket cost to 250 dollars and but usually if you have insurance it's nothing or it's less than a 100 dollars and it comes back in usually three weeks. It's very, very easy.
And most of those companies now once you get testing if you have a positive result they'll do family testing for free, so if you do it within 90 days you can get your whole family tested, so it's like super easy. It's like a tenth of an echocardiogram, like it's a tenth of the cost of an echocardiogram for us and so it's, it's a thousand times easier than it used to be, and any, any geneticist should be doing it and a lot of cardiovascular surgeons and cardiologists that follow patients with Marfan syndrome are doing, like our clinics that are comprehensive, will do this as well.
I hear from people who have a hard time convincing their doctor that they should get a genetic test or if they do they have to wait months and months to get it, so does that just depend on the center?
I think it just depends on the center, you know, and if you're seeing like a primary care doctors they're not really familiar with an genetic testing, so if you're trying to get your PCP to do it, like technically they might be able to but they don't understand the results, so you really have to go to a geneticist or in like an aortic health center to get it done but I would think as long as you get in getting the testing is not usually very hard in the current era that's been a huge change in five years, so some of those stories might have been from a few years ago.
How long does it take to get results?
The companies give it back to you in about three weeks. I don't know how long the, the doctors take to call you back or to schedule the follow-up results but almost all the companies have a result back in about three weeks now.
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