
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


The Role of the Genetic Counselor - Empowerment Series - 3/14/19




My daughter aged 37 was clinically diagnosed with Marfan syndrome. The only geneticist she could find was a pediatric Marfan geneticist. She told my daughter, she told my daughter that since the aortic root in a person with Marfan as usual enlarges by age eight, by age 18, my daughter probably has some type of connective tissue but she doesn't have Marfan syndrome. Is this true?


So could you specify for me whether your daughter does or does not have aortic dilation? (She gets back to that.) Sorry. (Okay) So before we have the answer, there is kind of a common misconception that if you don't have aortic dilation, that you don't have Marfan syndrome but it's actually not true.



So as we're trying to genetically test more and more people, we're finding that I think it's somewhere around 20% of patients with Marfan syndrome actually don't have aortic dilation.



And one thing that's really interesting about Marfan Foundation is it exhibits a phenomenon that we call in genetics variable expressivity and what that means is that people in the same family with the same mutation can actually have completely different features of Marfan syndrome.

マルファン症候群の患者さんの集まりであるThe Marfan Foundationにおいて非常に興味深いのが、遺伝学でいうところの発現度の差異と呼ばれる現象がみられるということです。これは、同じ変異を持つ同じ家族でも、マルファン症候群の特徴が完全に異なることがあるということを意味します。


So we could have some relatives that are very tall, have long fingers, have aortic root dilation and then other families members that are actually short.



I just saw a woman or a grandmother with Marfan syndrome a couple weeks ago who was only 5.4, the rest of her family was all about 6 feet tall, but everyone carried the same gene mutation.



So Marfan syndrome is interesting in that even though you have the same genetic mutation as other people in your family, you guys could all have different features that are associated with Marfan syndrome.



(And the answer was she does not have a dilation.) I would say, I think that she should be evaluated, I think that you first, if you have Marfan syndrome, that you should have genetic testing and that way we could identify the exact genetic change in you and then at that point it would be fair to test all of your children for the same genetic change because all of them would have a 50% chance to also have Marfan syndrome.



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