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ロイス・ディーツ症候群における消化器管理 〜食物アレルギー〜

Navigating GI Management in LDS




I'm gonna take some time to talk about food allergies here, so there's two kinds of food allergies. This first kind of food allergy I'm going to talk about is an anaphylactic or IgE-mediated food allergy. This is the fast food allergy, right? So this is an immunologic response to a food protein, and a small amount of food protein can cause a reaction. Reactions can be severe and life-threatening. You can be allergic to one food, two foods, many foods, but the important thing is that the blood tests that we do are for the fast allergy; they're not for the slow allergy that I'm going to talk about later.




So the RAST testing, which is the blood test, or the skin testing that you can do for food allergies tell you about a fast allergy. The other important point is that these blood tests are not a yes or no answer. The higher the number it is, the more likely you are allergic to the food, but and the lower the number is, the less likely you are allergic to the food. But a positive number does not necessarily mean you're allergic to the food, especially if you have eczema or other underlying allergic conditions. So this is also something to discuss with your doctors about before you start taking foods out of your diet. It's really important that that be part of a discussion and it's not done solely based on lab tests.




For these IgE fast anaphylactic allergies, these symptoms can be anything from a rash. This does not include just a little bit of redness around the mouth. This is really a rash that's sort of over the face and head and whole body, cough, wheezing, low blood pressure. So there was some discussion earlier and also in general about using epinephrine. So for people with LDS there are increased risks to using epinephrine, and so the gist for someone without LDS, if you have an IgE-mediated allergic reaction to peanuts and you eat a peanut, you should get an EpiPen shot. There's no downside for someone without LDS, and so a lot of school systems have an automatic plan in place of if a person with a food allergy is exposed to a food they're allergic to, they get their EpiPen because there's no downside and it could very well help prevent a reaction.




That's not the answer we want for LDS. We want to reserve the use of an EpiPen for severe reactions. If you have LDS and you have a severe allergic reaction, if you're having trouble breathing, if the person has LDS syndrome and they're passed out or you're about to pass out, you should definitely use your EpiPen. Okay, but if you have an exposure and you have, you know, a little bit of a runny nose, if you have a rash but you're breathing just fine, that may be able to be treated with some Benadryl, and the EpiPen should be held in reserve.



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