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ロイス・ディーツ症候群における消化器管理 〜好酸球性消化器疾患〜

Navigating GI Management in LDS




Let's talk about some inflammation. So I talked about the fast allergy; there's a slow motion food allergy that can occur in the lining of the intestines. This is eosinophilic GI disease. The most common form of this is eosinophilic esophagitis or eosinophilic food, these are eosinophils, a flavor of white blood cells. So this allergy white blood cell or eosinophil is in the esophagus or the food pipe. Again, it's a slow motion food allergy; it's different from the anaphylactic food allergy. It does not turn into an anaphylactic food allergy. The RAST testing, the blood test, and the skin test for fast allergies does not work and does not help you to identify what food is causing this slow motion food allergy.




The only way to diagnose it at this point is with an endoscopy while you're asleep under anesthesia, having a camera go down and taking biopsies of the GI tract. We do see that people with LDS syndrome, just like they have a higher prevalence of food allergies, allergic rhinitis (allergic runny nose), asthma, eczema, we see higher levels of this slow motion food allergy in people with LDS syndrome as well.




How does this present? Well, it presents differently based on your age. At any age, you can have problems gaining weight or diarrhea. Younger children tend to have reflux, vomiting, abdominal pain. Older children will have trouble swallowing or even get a piece of food stuck sort of halfway down in their food pipe.




The treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) - the goal of treatment is to reduce the inflammation and prevent food from getting stuck. There are currently four different treatments: there are high-dose acid blockers, there are some swallowed steroids that you can do to coat the esophagus, you can figure out what food it is and take that out of your diet, or there are now just approved this year some biologic medications that are given by a shot at home every week.




Which of these treatments is right for you? There are lots of things to consider, and all of these things need to be taken into account, discussing with your doctor. We have no reason to think right now that people with LDS are not candidates for these new biologic shot medicines. The name of it is dupilumab, which can be used if you have EoE, eczema, or certain forms of asthma.




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