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Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




So, you know, you talked a lot about the need for aortic arch surgery after somebody presented with dissection. Unless so if it was prophylactic surgery but what are the indications for that aortic arch repair, you know, you hear about with the root here about the size of, the the size or are there symptoms, so how do you know if you need, how do you know or how does the, how does a patient know or how does a surgeon know?



Sure, yeah, you know, there's not a lot of symptoms that occur with arch aneurysms. Obviously if it's so big you're going to get compression on adjacent structures so sometimes people will have hoarseness because that left recurrent laryngeal nerve I talked about gets stretched out. As it gets stretched out it's not going to work on that left vocal cord and so people can, you know, describe hoarseness.



But I gotta say a lot of these are found on interval imaging studies that are done and so after any aortic dissection it's mandatory to do imaging, you know, the guidelines say a discharge one month, six months and then a year and then based on, you know, what you're seeing. That's where we see it.



And as far as guidelines as far as size it's usually around 55 millimeters but you have to take that with a grain of salt. As to, you know, how tall, you know, the body surface area of the patient and, you know, with our Marfan's community there's a lot of tall Mafans, obviously we also have some short Marfan's patients, too so you can't use the absolute size.



So this is where, you know, that's why I love doing this stuff. It's personalized medicine. You got the guidelines but you got to take it with that patient so we're not just treating in a CT scan or genetics. We got to put it in their body and see how does it fall out with the whole thing.



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