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Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




Is this, so this surgery, the aortic arch surgery is just always done in an open open way? Is there any way to avoid open surgery?



Yeah, well for in our non-connective tissue disorder patients we can and it's called the debranching procedure so that's where instead of, you know, connecting everything through the graft we would actually separate those head vessels, those three disconnect them and connect them to a graft and then put that on the ascending aorta and then in the arch. We could deploy a stent graft to cover that area so it's it's what we call a hybrid arch.



There is technology coming out where we have fenestrated stent grafts where we can, you know, the zone two arch is coming out so it's essentially a branch graft device to fit in the left subclavian or even take it into a zone one repair where it goes into the left carotid.



So that stent graft technology is out there but once again not ready for prime time in the connective tissue disorder patients.



I think that's a, that's the, that's the key point there. Everybody wants that but...



Of course everybody wants that but it, the problem is, is that the problem was in within the wall of the aorta and so by putting the stent graft in there. It may destabilize things.



Right. I think that's important to know like why, why not, you know, so...



Yeah, and it goes back to the the stent graft technology. It's using radial forces to put pressure on that wall. Well that's the whole objective of blood pressure control. We're trying to minimize the shear stress on the aortic wall.



Right, that's so, that's where all the weaknesses. That's the connective tissues.



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