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大動脈弓手術について ~将来の展望~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




So what does the future look like? Well in the field of aortic surgery we need to, we need to clean up our act a little bit and there is a consensus statement that tried to do that and that is, you know, looking at standardizing clinical endpoints, making sure that we have meaningful definitions so that we can then obtain meaningful data from institutions.



And I got to say when Dr. Bavaria was head of the STS he did a phenomenal job on improving the STS database and really beefed up the aortic component of that. With that we're actually able to assess outcomes.



And the most recent one looked at circulatory arrest in arch surgery and it showed that most centers around the country were really just doing circulatory arrest but when you do circulatory arrest without that adjunct cerebral perfusion operative mortality was around 15 percent and stroke risk was around 12 percent.



So and what's the objective for this? Well obviously improve patient care. That's our end game.



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