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Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




How long does that surgery take the aortic arch surgery or does it matter which one of, the ones that you showed us. It looks like it looks complicated.



Yeah, so I think if we had to walk through, if, if we're talking about a primary operation the hemiarch procedure I gotta say is relatively quick. The open portion to sew that, you know, one I always, I always tell my aorta team, "We're sewing this many circles today," so to sew that one circle distally usually takes anywhere between 14 to 25 minutes depending on who's helping and how much, how bad the tissue is.



When you're doing a total arch implantation each circle, you know, the smaller circles usually take about five to eight minutes to do.



But if it's, if it's an acute dissection and the tissue is really torn you gotta add a little bit more to it.



If it's a redo surgery the redos are always really driven by the amount of scar tissue left behind. The good thing about having a connective tissue disorder is the scar tissue usually isn't that bad compared to someone that doesn't have a connective tissue disorder so redos in the Marfan's population is actually a little bit easier so that's one thing that people have to look forward to.



It's not going to take as long but I'd say total from, you know, start of operation to finish for a hemiarch procedure usually about four and a half to five hours, for total arch I'd say probably six to eight.



Yeah, that's a long time.






I was going to say it's more than just you sewing.



Yeah, yeah it's, you know, that's the fun stuff but what's fun about it is, is each step of the way as you introduce perfusion you're, you're assessing, all right, is the heart taken care of, is the brain taken care of and distally how's the kidneys doing, how's the liver doing and, you know, it's balancing all of those.



And also it's with the conduction of the operation. You know, if you just focus, all right, we're going to do the arch vessels now and then we'll address distally and then proximally you're going to be there a whole lot longer.



And so it's, it's a dance. You can do a little bit here and then go back down here and then go up there based on where you are in your temperature management so there's a lot of temperature management that goes into it as we talked about and so you conduct the operation based on temperature so that allows you to go around.



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